Nuclekerr ★
I remember when iron fist had yellow gloves
Remember how the 4* cyclops, black bolt and red mags was unstoppable due to perfect block. That team would dominate aq. Also remember when iron fist had yellow gloves?
In game name is nuclekerr. Please friend me. No line app
How did you get iron fist ?
I do not have them either
Let thronebreakers too! They are still important
The question is why? Did someone ask for this? These are ridiculous. No fun and unnecessarily complicated!
Quit your bellyaching! You are still playing, so it can’t be that bad!
Thank you so much!
What’s your in game name?
How do they remove themselves from war?
What do you have to do to earn legend?
What is you username? Mine is nuclekerr Thank you
War and aq is optional for ours just be active. Name: Nuclekerr
Looking for 3 more members
Looking for 4 more members
Just another you tuber. Who cares.
Be grateful for free things and not entitled please. In the the end this is just a game.
Speak for yourself. I am cavalier and loved it. It was free and came in very handy.
Does it really matter? It is free and we are not entitled to it. It is and has been nice of Kabam to do this for their community.
Never heard of the guy. No big deal
Iron Fist’s gold gloves! They were glorious!
What’s with all the hate. She is good and no one ever mentions her in a “top champ” or “top mystic”discussion. So what’s the big deal.
Sunspot by far!! Especially when he is hit while blocking
Still haven’t got a 4 star corvus
How so with havok?
I say bring back the gold gloves and all is good in the battle realm!
Ran it with a unduped karnak. No revives. As the kids say….get gud ;)
Thanks all! Helps a ton!
Thank you!