Odachi ★★★★
No it hasn't.
The legomindstorms are great for this kind of thing, the cameras are good enough and simple to code. There's a cool video of one doing chrome dino jump using the camera to detect objects and it presses space bar. Obviously for a mobile device need a capacative touch device like a stylus. Don't have a stylus? Then I've seen…
I filtered to just 7* sort by weakest first and run them up to streak of 7, then clear filters and run my top teams. Becuase I have over 100 7* and only grind for an hour at a time I've unlikely to clear out my roster because I've used 21 of them to get things running and it's gonna give you more points than most other…
So? Let them, I would wager good money you never meet this guy in BG or AW - and he probably doesn't have the skill to do very well anyway. More money for kabam means a longer shelf life of this game that you seem to enjoy complaining about on forums. Don't name and shame spenders - its bad etqieutte for someone who stops…
Is there another viable path for deathless run? I've only done 1 necro and sadly its this path so wouldn't like to double down it
Maybe you just hold your phone wrong? I know phones without a bezel cause inputs when holding them, Samsung Edge was terrible for that - try it in a case and don't grip it like your choking a chicken. Lay the phone flat and play with just your index fingers, I bet you get no dash issues then.
Is she hulk the best one to sink those 40 deathless sig stones or save for Thanos?
I can't see whales buying this for the champ, but for the awakening instead. I've said it before and will say it again: Thank you guys for keeping the lights on the and the unskippable adverts away
I’m now thinking raids play a part in that stat, timeout = loss?
How can you tell a players FTP? You don’t - they tell you, constantly!
I created this post last year too (https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/355702/2023-stats-are-here/p1), seems I'm almost 10% down on time played and 20% down on quests completed. I do think this year I've left the game idling a lot on my ipad
They said on their livestream to buy the cyber weekend bundles if you want to buy spend the units on gbc/sbc. This is a cherry for further spenders. No one is forcing you to do anything, so no idea why you need to act like you’ve been offended
your name is appropriate because thats what I said out loud after reading this dumb pile of..
I always like the gamble, thats what banquet/gifting has always been for me. I never expect good things because the way I see it im actually paying for the rank rewards - both my solo score and alliance score are pretty impressive and it's great. However, my main critisism is around the box. I didn't get any of the box…
When item use was a 3 day event, thinking i was using xp boosts I burnt all 10 of my 30% champion boosts! 🤦
I spent about £20 and just 1200 units, nothing really special. Simply because there wasn't anything I need - I have plenty of r3, most of those duped. The last £5 I spent was just for the google play points as I had a 7x multiplyer and as a google pixel user they gave me £550 for my year old pixel 8 because I'm a gold…
There are support groups for this kind of relationship you are defending 😂
Send a ticket but don't touch bishop at all, don't use him in anything or feed him iso https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Everyone calling Elektra a dud needs to pipe down! She's... just neat.
This has got me thinking. 10 free 7* champs essentially between 2 of the biggest cash events in the game - black friday and banquet. A paragon player will know they are getting a huge amount of free champions at 7* and those below the same plus a brand new unreleased 7*. With that mentality, is it going to detract from…
I found it only works if you swipe on the text border
Broken record here but when I teach kids I teach to code know if it changed test it, if it hasn’t kick it and test it again.
Not seen many people pulling him, never fought against him in BG and after scanning over his kit seems pretty meh
Quicksilver = no unstoppable
Same on iPad mini, just half a seizure and a grumpy alliance that my team have done 0 damage and all on half health
Kabam Mike used to send me angry messages every time I suggested there’s no QA department and mute me for a a month but I’ve still seen no proof
There's so much of this at the moment. Is it too much to expect that a fight with the word suffering in it has a harder AI, not 'bugged' as so many throw around. Never block to bait specials, just last second evades like your playing stark spidey and he always throws them after 2 or 3 times.
On different aspect ratios, like on my iPad mini it's a bit messy as well - like the stars being behind the frame:
At least yours works, ours doesn’t
Literally 1 test would of identified players are starting on the wrong node. You make a change, you test it. We already know that testing is poor at best and this is yet another example.