Odachi ★★★★
When item use was a 3 day event, thinking i was using xp boosts I burnt all 10 of my 30% champion boosts! 🤦
I spent about £20 and just 1200 units, nothing really special. Simply because there wasn't anything I need - I have plenty of r3, most of those duped. The last £5 I spent was just for the google play points as I had a 7x multiplyer and as a google pixel user they gave me £550 for my year old pixel 8 because I'm a gold…
There are support groups for this kind of relationship you are defending 😂
Send a ticket but don't touch bishop at all, don't use him in anything or feed him iso https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Everyone calling Elektra a dud needs to pipe down! She's... just neat.
This has got me thinking. 10 free 7* champs essentially between 2 of the biggest cash events in the game - black friday and banquet. A paragon player will know they are getting a huge amount of free champions at 7* and those below the same plus a brand new unreleased 7*. With that mentality, is it going to detract from…
I found it only works if you swipe on the text border
Broken record here but when I teach kids I teach to code know if it changed test it, if it hasn’t kick it and test it again.
Not seen many people pulling him, never fought against him in BG and after scanning over his kit seems pretty meh
Quicksilver = no unstoppable
Same on iPad mini, just half a seizure and a grumpy alliance that my team have done 0 damage and all on half health
Kabam Mike used to send me angry messages every time I suggested there’s no QA department and mute me for a a month but I’ve still seen no proof
There's so much of this at the moment. Is it too much to expect that a fight with the word suffering in it has a harder AI, not 'bugged' as so many throw around. Never block to bait specials, just last second evades like your playing stark spidey and he always throws them after 2 or 3 times.
On different aspect ratios, like on my iPad mini it's a bit messy as well - like the stars being behind the frame:
At least yours works, ours doesn’t
Literally 1 test would of identified players are starting on the wrong node. You make a change, you test it. We already know that testing is poor at best and this is yet another example.
Another resounding success for the QA department!
When you say intercepted, is that what you really mean? Or are you just hitting his block? Also, if you don't have a diverse roster for something like summer of pain it's probably not worth you putting in this hard work and should just stick to other content
Happy with my choice:
Yeah but I can get it done in 2 weeks already, thats my point. After after 2 weeks, I really don't see it's purpose
Furniture polish, seriously it works. If you tilt your device to the sun you'll see grease marks, 2 of them one from swiping with your left hand the other from swiping with your right. You've basically worn the the glass down, the polish will shift the grease and sort of fill the micro indents with wax
Did you just talk yourself out of your own suggestion? 😂
Your suggesting that area is difficult and you need to see them to make it easier? Personally, I'd kind of like to see the seasons bg nodes on a special area and in return you can get up to an x5 boost.
I have a r3 awakened chavez, the sig makes for some amazing sp2 damage but in battlegrounds she'd never even need to get near that. Titania is unawakened r2 - she hit the damage cap every time in raids so I don't need her higher
I get the counter argument of people saying "i've not got time for that" but they don't factor in that arena for some of us is literally why we play the game. TV on, feet up, ipad in hand after a long day its the ultimate unwind. No nodes, timers or stresses just chillding and having fun - as a bonus, units! I broke the…
I haven't the foggiest where I got him from. Must have been a deadpool themed event
You can play the game without having to stay at the sharp end - you can just try this thing out called: Having Fun. I don't do war, I'm from an alliance that doesn't compete competitively in AQ, I don't 100% new content on day 1, I just chill and play.
Thanks for everything Jax. Especially for explaining to me that the other forum mods don't understand what sarcasm isn't!
Nowadays? No, they have always been rigged. Every talk out loud about jetskis and then you see an advert for them on your phone? Same tech.
If you are just here to collect champions, they are all available as 3* I don't know why you'd need r3 7* champs if you aren't playing the game.