Onky ★
I have one spot open. We did great in banquets. We are a relaxed alliance, aq and war daily but your pace. No pressure, no obligations. Do what you can. We finish aq daily and hover in gold for war. Not super competitive but still have fun. My line id is onky707. Join using the tag 3DIRT.
I have one open spot. We are a relaxed alliance, aq and war daily but your pace. No pressure, no obligations. Do what you can. We finish aq daily and hover in gold for war. Not super competitive but still have fun. My line id is onky707. Join using the tag 3DIRT.
I have one open spot. We are a relaxed alliance, aq and war daily but your pace. No pressure, no obligations. Do what you can. We finish aq daily and hover in gold for war. Not super competitive but still have fun. My line id is onky707. Join using the tag 3DIRT.
I have one open spot. We are a relaxed alliance, aq and war daily but your pace. No pressure, no obligations. Do what you can. We finish aq daily and hover in gold for war. Not super competitive but still have fun. My line id is onky707. Join using the tag 3DIRT.
Yes, that's all good. We are full now
I still hav 4 spots open. Looks good for banquets
Aominw, join up. Use the tag 3DIRT FIND ME ON LINE APP IF YOU WANT onky707
Join using tag 3DIRT. I'm having issues adding to line atm
I got you in. We are still looking for 5 more. We will do banquets
Make sure your profile settings are on to add me by id. If you are trying to find me by line app. It's not required but makes communication easier
Aaryanism join using the tag 3DIRT. it's open for you. I can't find you on line app
I don't know why line won't let us find each other, but welcome we'll work it out
Still need a few. We well all participate in banquets,
We have spots still open. It would be nice to merge with a small retirement alliance to make a full team
You can join us. Use the tag 3DIRT. we are running one bg map 5 aq and one war. Join if you want. No obligations. We are a retirement alliance but many of us are daily players. Stay as long as you like, leave when you are ready. We do have an optional line chat. My ID is onky 707.
You can join us. Use the tag 3DIRT. we are running one bg map 5 aq and one war. Join if you want. No obligations. We are a retirement alliance but many of us are daily players. Stay as long as you like, leave when you are ready. We do have an optional line chat. My ID is onky 707.
You are welcome to join us, we are a no obligation alliance, we run one bg war and aq map 5. Do what you can, come and go as ypu wish. Use the tag 3DIRT it's open. We also have line app chat if you want my ID is onky707.
You are welcome to join us, we are a no obligation alliance, we run one bg war and aq map 5. Do what you can, come and go as ypu wish. Use the tag 3DIRT it's open. We also have line app chat if you want my ID is onky707.
You are welcome to join us, we are a no obligation alliance, we run one bg war and aq map 5. Do what you can, come and go as ypu wish. Use the tag 3DIRT it's open. We also have line app chat if you want my ID is onky707.
We are interested in spending a bit for banquets as well.
Asked about merging in my post. Let's do it! I have 5 guys, and I can probably talk another 4 into joining us before banquets. Anyone can be an officer if they want. We keep recruiting until we have a full retirement alliance. No obligations. We currently run map 5 daily but would be fine with 6. + 1bg war
Do you have line app? I don't have discord. We have 5 daily players, 10 more that just log in occasionally in my retirement alliance. I also am in contact with two other retirement alliances, one with 5, one with 12. It would be nice to have a full alliance. We are no obligation. But do run map 5 and one bg aw. We are…
Still looking, I'd be interested in merging a couple groups as well. Hit me up on line app onky707 or in game onchorincus
Hey there. We would be willing to accept people into our alliance. I could also spend 2k, I have about 5 active daily players, 15 total. I am trying to see ifvthey would be willing to merge with you and the other retirement alliance in forum but have not heard back about leaving my alliance. My line id is onky707 if you…
We should all band together. I have 4 or 5 daily players in my retirement alliance. We are open to banquets, raids, whatever.
No problem we are pretty much in the same boat. We had a thriving alliance for a very long time and then life happened and many of us stayed together and made the alliance a retirement home. I started this alliance from scratch back in the beginning and have a hard time letting go. I'll keep you guys in mind as well.…
I can make more room if you need 18
Any chance you guys would join our retirement alliance? I have 15 spots open. Same events welcome here. Map 6 and one war. My line id is onky707
Still have 12 spots open. Cone check us out. We have a line chat but not necessary. Join aq or war only if you want to. Onky707 line ID