RLFullback ★
thankyou very much
Thanks guys appreciate it
Thanks mate appreciate it
cheers thanks guys
cheers thanks guys
still looking
hey add me in game on RLFullback I think we might interest you
we 45 million do aq maps 5,4,3 project over 100m and war is optional and we do battlegrounds
hey add me in game on RLFullback you could join us
hey licky add me in game if you are interested we 47 mil and after 3 members
If you're still looking add me in game on RLFullback
yeah got you in thanks for joining mate
you can add me in game on RLFullback if interested
and we are chill
we do aq regularly we 37m and war is optional
yo whats your name in game you might be intereted in us
what is your rating?
You can join here mate we are a relatively new alliance aiming to do the maps you ask for as we get more members. We have lots of potential and some pretty strong players already. I am willing to offer you an officer position if you like. I will send you friend request in game if you like
What is your rating?
You can add me on RLFullback in game
Alliance tag in NNBPL
We are an aussie ally id you are interested in joining us
yeah can you give us a bit more detail on your account
add me
we do aq maps 5,3,2 if you wanna join us?
add me you can join us
how about you join us? Add me in game on RLFullback
You can join us
add me under RLFullback
Can you join us?