Renaxqq ★★★★★
Best mystic. Super easy to use too.
Rank up Elsa
Everything still broken!
Onslaught is looking weird...
What's left from the crab when you take away shell?
Wait, you have Silk but didn't even included her in pool?
Sinister. Best mutant.
Hyperion sig 40
So, compensation will be based on how many times Sigil was purchased through the years?
Waiting for Onslaught
If duped
Last year it took couple hours
I would wait for Enchantress rebalance info. Hopefully she will get damage boost for shorter fights. Utility is top tier but damage really isn't that great.
Best mutant
Sig 60 7* Havok! Leave me alone stupid mutant!
Eaten by Venom the Duck cause opened eggs
She's phenomenal! Got her from titan crystal and choose to awaken from titan nexus instead of taking new Leader or Superior Ironman. Took her to R3 sig 60. 135 hits against LOL Red Hulk and 38 hits against Winter Soldier! Sure awakaned ability gives really nice utility but still she's good.
Are you tapping block whenever she's throwing blasts?