Robbo9 ★
Why do back to back pulls suggest that? I pulled winter soldier 3 times back to back in the current featured. I also pulled Gorr, Galan and Quicksilver back to back in 3 other crystals at a later point. Guess what? The chances of either of these happening are identical - 1/13824. Nobody is calling the 2nd run rigged though…
It literally says it’s tuned to your story progression. Anyone trying to get their first r2 isn’t being offered this deal and a deal tailored to paragons offering a r2 gem for $50 is laughable, end of discussion.
R4s can get ~400k per round with boosts. Knocks about 3 hours a day off your calculations but still very suspect.
Is this a wind up? You get 30% of each r4 catalyst just for exploring cav eq and someone’s complaining about it? I fully expected the objective to be 4* related at best. Well done Kabam!
I’m not saying you’re wrong, because I won’t pretend to understand exactly how it works, but if that’s the case how can it update instantly when you buy the sigil? Or when you level up? It doesn’t take a server update in those 2 scenarios. So what’s the difference here?
That was definitely time well spent.
I don’t think anyone is expecting r4 gems or anything like that in the TB deals. The main concern is that the cav deals offered 6* shards and t5cc before TB came out, and reverted to 5* shards and catalysts afterwards. TB got 6* awakening gems, champion selectors and r4 catalysts in November. What will the July deals…
The 3 r4 criteria is not the issue here. The issue is that there’s no way to get them if you haven’t done things a certain way in the past. Someone who has completed every single piece of content ever released should not be falling short of the requirements for a “progression” title because they didn’t pick up a unit deal…
I think it was originally planned to release in August though but got delayed after the beta feedback. It was about 3 months between beta and release for act 7.
7.2 released 2 weeks after the eq though so that’s not always the case. We normally have the announcement on the Friday before as well so unless we get something in the next hour or so it’ll be the 23rd.
I’ve just finished the path in 1.2 that starts with doc ock and ends with venom. I used corvus, cull and maw. Gained the charges during the fight. The global tag is for thanos army. None got cross fights after. It’s bugged.
Yep, same with cosmic attackers in 2.2. They’re active during the fight as you say so it’s not a text error in the node but they don’t carry between fights.
Cavalier and thronebreaker came out around 18 months after uncollected and cavalier respectively and it’s been about that since TB came out. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see a new title next month but they might leave it 6 months after 7.4 drops like with TB. I’d expect it to have a r4 requirement whenever it arrives.
I don’t mind the unblockable nodes normally. I probably wouldn’t have bothered to learn to intercept if they didn’t exist. But I do think they should’ve been toned down a bit while there’s input issues. The amount of times I accidentally parry when dexing is frustrating enough without it happening on an unblockable fight.
I’ve got 20+ t2a in overflow. It’s t5b that I need
Found one thanks
Human Torch and Annihilus update/event was only 3 weeks long. The following update started on the last week of April 2019 to match up with Endgame’s release and lasted 6 weeks. That and when New Years fell on a Wednesday are the only times I can remember the monthly eq not being the first week of the month.
Claire can power drain both with sp2. It’s only certain circumstances that you can’t. But I agree with your main point. Gulk is in the tech quest and if you put the passive shock from the node on him it activates face me. Not a fan of that combo.
There’s always gonna be a bottleneck. 12 months ago I was always short on t1a. Now I have to sell it to stop it expiring. Then 6 months ago I had too much t5b and not enough t2a. At some point in the last few month that flipped and now I’ve got 18 t2a in overflow and always desperate for t5b. If that becomes more available…
Surely it’s only the charge for winning the fight that he doesn’t get against robots? Nothing in his abilities says he wouldn’t get the 2 at the start of the fight?
Not only is he throwing specials but when he does use sp3 and you manage to tank it he keeps his 3 bars of power bonus from the node.
Same problem here. Would be nice to be able to give feedback. @Eggsandbacon to answer your question though in all likelihood there won’t be. You test your roster as it is, or at least as it was 2 weeks ago in my case. If you have the catalysts you can rank up without affecting your actual account. I took Aegon to r3 to…
I can access the beta server in game but not the forum. I only have one account. I’ve logged out of both the forum and the game and logged back in with the exact same details on both. Still nothing.
I can’t access the beta forum. When I click the link in the mail it says permission problem.
I doubt it. It’s too early. There was about 18 months between uc release and cav and the same again between cav and tb. Remember tb wasn’t released until about 6 months after 6.4 dropped. Far more likely to be 7.4 in around March. Maybe with a r4 requirement, assuming 100% act 7 is enough to get one.
How long are you willing to wait for the perfect champ? TB gets you 25% extra every month. Don’t wait too long. I have a r3 green goblin, je ne regrette rien. I have 12 more now in just over a year
If you read the nodes it tells you it’s only non damaging debuffs that they let you shrug off. I did it with a combination of a ramped up aegon with fury/goldpool to get rid of the bleed a bit quicker. But that’s not really the point. Between the skill quest, the path in the tech quest and the overseer I make it 53 of the…
Variants are permanent side content. Do them when you have the right champions. It’s not a race, everything doesn’t need to be done right now. And use Void for Mephisto.
Right, I’ve finished hitting the milestones in the featured arena and I should be able to finish the basic tomorrow so I wanted to add some proper thoughts on this now. I’ve got a big enough roster that I hit the milestones by running 5*s for the first 15 rounds then 3 runs of my 6*s. Probably took me about 2.5 hours all…
While that’s true for the basic the featured champ is always a full dupe. I know that because I was short of skill iso last week and used that to top up. I’ve been getting 48 iso bricks most weeks from that for as long as I can remember. If I get 1 sig, no iso and no shards after hitting the 9mil milestone when this arena…