I have never done that and i periodically change my password!
Please release those $1 crystals
Doms forever!!!
There is no second thought.Domino is the bleed Goddess right now!Except for the fact of regen,she is the best champ in the game right now!
The problem has been solved.
Device:Nokia 7 plus Os:android 9 pie In game name:Rocking_Star Issue: Images of any heroes (attacking or defensive) is not visible. The game hangs as soon as a SQ,EQ,AQ,AW screen loads(have to wait 5 mins to move from one nore to another). There are white square patches on home screen and also huge white squares when a…
Recently,my symbiod friend and kylntar catalyst images weren't showing up,so i uninstalled amd reinstalled the game. Then as i logged in,my game hung.and now i am stuck unable to play the gam. Any page i navigate to,ends up being hung.nothing is shown on the screen. The heroes images have all vanished away. My suggestion…