ShodaiHighkage ★
Yes, I remember. But how many times have you heard of anyone getting banned for staying in VT since then, where most farmers plant their crops?
Yeah, just like how they scale points for GC rankings, apply that same scoring principle to elder mark and energy usage and reward people for trying to get better at winning vs better players instead of farming smaller accounts and ruining the experience for all involved.
I just wish they'd make up their minds. They tell everyone it's a bannable offense to farm, then tell content creators it's ok and won't enforce their own rules. Farming has always plagued BGs and instead of rewarding more points towards events like these for beating higher ranked players similar to how GC is scored, they…
I'm just waiting for the next "you suck at raids" mail from kabam followed by a "JK teehee"
Yeah 7* JJ was likely the only thing enticing me into spending for banquet and now with pretty much everyone having a good counter for her, feels like onslaught after SoS...
Global perpetually makes this game look bad, NGL. It's the best advertisement against the game and it's 24/7.
1) purchase $30 deal for 180 tickets 2) refund when you get your 180 comp Win
Kabam just made it more logical to spend $30 on 180 tickets today, and refund that purchase when they refund the 180.
I bought a Samsung galaxy fold 4 and wanted games that could utilize the unfolded, larger screen. This game has horrible marketing and I'd never have given it a chance if not for that reason alone. I've seen ads for this game in other apps and they're literally a waste of an advertising budget. A simple poster with rarity,…
I think he means the prioritization isn't on improvements (as evidenced by bugs increasing and not decreasing) so much as it is on cash grabs (nice new serpent crystal after no serpent nerf) and that is creating a user experience that is far less than satisfactory.
You mean you didn't want the events to be revamped in a manner that makes it more convoluted and yet one more thing to learn? I'm pretty sure that's far more important than bugs.
AW engagement didn't go up, so we're not changing the crystal pool. Incursions engagement went through the roof, so we're not changing the crystal pool. Lol what
This event just seems like a way to waste my crystals hoarding stash tbh. Not at all enthused with this. I already made this mistake during the trial run for the super event and was left with no crystals for 4 hr and 22 hr events as a result. These paltry rewards aren't even worth the time it takes to consider them.
Other AAR champs will specify a cap/ceiling. Black cat, for example. On those where there is no cap for the AAR, it's not explicitly stated. That's how the language works. You don't list a cap if it's non-existent. You list one if it is. The kit never said 65% AAR at a maximum, as is specified with other champs where there…
Oh this is worse than the shocker nerf. Nothing in the wording of kingpin's kit indicates that the debuff doesn't stack. It's impossible to refresh the debuff, and it's not the greatest damage rotation for KP, so spamming SP1 to reduce the AAR past 65% only has a short window and significantly reduced his damage output. I…
Oh this is worse than the shocker nerf. Nothing in the wording of kingpin's kit indicates that the debuff doesn't stack. It's impossible to refresh the debuff, and it's not the greatest damage rotation for KP, so spamming SP1 to reduce the AAR past 65% only has a short window and significantly reduced his damage output. I…
Always scheduled for 2 days after season ends.
Not me casually putting away my freshly sharpened pitchfork...
Lol this man can see the future!
They're bad at coding, and that's ok!
Whataboutism isn't a good way to counter an argument. Other game modes are irrelevant. Point farming and avoiding deaths by timing out isn't something that is replicated anywhere else. Stop being disingenuous. The only commonality is the incentivization. On that, we can agree. I don't find AW or AQ particularly enjoyable,…
How about creating rules that aren't enforced, so you either gimp yourself and play by the rules or break them like most others and remain competitive? Pausing the fight to avoid dying to an sp3, or to avoid NF's 2nd life? All too common yet was deemed to be a bannable offense at one point. Same with point farming. It was…
I mean, the same issues that are repeated ad nauseam are the ones I didn't allude to because I didn't think I needed to. You admit that there are issues, so let's forgo an irrelevant conversation about those issues and just agree that most players don't like the way it's currently set up. Myself? I enjoy it thoroughly but…
I think you're conflating popular with forced; which is how many feel. You HAVE to do a fair amount of BGs to get deathless pieces, currency for NC, etc. If you're not prepared to whale to get those, then your only option is to do battlegrounds. That explains a lot of the activity, if we're being honest. Not ALL of it,…
This has got to be one of the most disastrous side quests so far tbh
One of my favorites to use. Got lucky with a featured crystal opening when he first came out and he's got a lot of mileage.
Adam is too reliant on AI cooperation on offense, too easily taken down as a defender to compare with the God Butcher. When the stars align, Adam is fantastic. Gorr needs no such wishful thinking and is consistently solid. Gorr is definitely the more problematic defender as well.
an instant still takes time. just because it's not damage over prolonged periods of time doesn't mean it's not DoT.
sorely regretting ranking up my thing now =/