SpecM ★★
No, I'm talking about forums in general.
If this is the best community then imagine how terrible the other communities are😭
Bro, the amount of disagrees is insane. You're one of the very few with an actual sense of humor. Everyone here is so pessimistic and dull. I mean, what more can we expect from people that can't understand basic sarcasm... smh
This is great! It's not essential, but it will be very helpful, especially when we open 10+ Nexus crystals.
Did they seriously remove the 5* shards for Valiants. There goes my easy way of getting ISO...
Should we not voice our opinion so that Kabam does not make the same mistake from happening in the future, I wouldn't want to miss a 7* crystal just because I was sleeping during the live stream because it was 3 am for me, and apparently the code expires before I wake up.
So why not extend the time that the code is active for at least 24 hours?
Ah yes, screw the people that didn't watch the livestream because they were in different time zones, because they don't matter, right? Well, if making our life miserable is your plan, then I hope you're happy because you accomplished that.
Is WBN better than Abs Man?🥹
I'm looking forward to easily heavy-special intercept with Scorpion, something I haven't mastered on mobile.
Huh, didn’t know me and Lagacy had something in common😂
The generic games like RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, GTA V... Also, Assassin's Creed Black Flag is my favorite AC game, and Sleeping Dogs is a very underrated game
1. Venom gets a bit of power every time he gets a new buff from his kit 2. Scorpion gets a Fury passive for every sting debuff currently on the opponent (insane damage boost because by using this synergy you can avoid his risky rotation(heavy intercept) and simply SP1 spam) Also, Scorp doesn't need dupe
This aged like milk.
You mean this guy, right?
Control - R5A FAntMan(solo) Mystic - R4A BWCV(2 revives) X-Force - R4 Domino(2 revives)
Awesome! Is Void only available in the loyalty crystal?
Pair Silk with the hack that gives a fury for every debuff that expires + the hack that increases the stun duration; you can stun-lock (MLLLH repeat) any opponent that isn't stun immune/debuff immune or that can't alter stun duration/purify debuffs, so then block damage won't be a factor. Be careful of nodes like tunnel…
Did you turn it on from settings? Default is set to 30FPS.
Just tried 60FPS on my XR and it is insane, zero lag so far. The very first thing I tried was Absorbing Man's SP2. The whole game seems so slow but so smooth, absolutely breathtaking!
In about 2 hours and 16mins
I have an iPhone XR💀 Let's hope that it doesn't explode after the update🤞
2… Just became Valiant a few days ago(Silk and Chee)
Kitty Pryde
Sig 20 R3 here, No regrets!
Abs Man, CGR, Silk, Kitty
If anybody is still fighting Shocker, Scorpion with Toad synergy works really well (applies slow on heavy). I also used Venom Synergy to get a damage boost. Don't worry about using SP1 or SP2. When you get power detonation, build up to SP3 and use it.