Ssj3Goku ★
Line id 1997goku
How to find u on line??
PS: No indian aliance offers
Line id goku2020
Im interested, line id is goku2020
Maps 554, gold 3 for now..
The forsaken aliance.. Maybe you heard of us.. Check it out, looking for friendly people based on overal respect and humble. My line goku2020
140mil aq gold ali, if you're interested line is goku2020
Check out my status.. 140 mil aq, gold ali if you're interested my line goku2020
It's over, this is no longer valid, thanks
You will progres nice in silver ali, aq maps 433
Hi! We're gold ali 554 maps very good organized add me on line goku2020
Map 554 gold ali, very organized team, add me on line goku2020 id
Add me, goku2020 line id
That's exactly what we're looking for, line goku2020 add me for further discussion
We're 554 looking for 6 or 7k + prestige player, line I'd goku2020 add me
Maps 554, focused war and aq, very nice team.. My line is goku2020 if you want