SuppremeBlue ★
And caught this in Arnim Zola's Deep Dive video
Rarely when Dazzler uses her in-built dodge to dex an attack.
This is from MCOC Encyclopedia's video: at the 17:40 mark. In case you can't read the text: Cerastes: "I am a playboy billionaire" Cerastes: "A celebrity!!" Trigger condition: Final Phase, unsure if it can trigger against any champion.
Credit: LavaPenguin
I believe so. Her language is said to be Ucwalmicwts. When I looked it up, I found Lilwat. Somebody else found Tlaamin. Some quotes match Tlaamin while others match Lilwat. They are both found in British Columbia a few hundred miles north of Seattle.
If credit is being doled out, before I get too much farther, I need to credit someone else for finding some of these callouts. One of my alliance members, LavaPenguin, is also responsible for finding some of these callouts. He was responsible for finding the Jack callout (after somebody here said they got that line). He…
Apparently, "Skoden" and "Stoodis" are indigenous slang, with Stoodis often being a response to Skoden Skoden = "Let's go then" Stoodis = "Let's do this"
Found another one and its translation. This one was in Tlaamin, while the last quote is in Lílwat
Nevermind, found it.
Got another one to translate.
Better quality
8.3.4 Is a mantis on a mutant path. Maybe that'll work?
The one with Joe Fixit translates to "Hey, ugly!"
Found another one. Will check the other #Gamma opponents eventually
There are multiple types of triggers that these callouts can have throughout the fight. Some happen before the main fight begins, these are the "intro" callouts, such as the ones posted above. Some happen at or near the start of the fight, such as Mr. Fantastic and Doom, and Namor and Doom's lines. These are "start of…
Here's another cool one I found. The reference should be easy to locate.
A couple of Chee'ilth's lines against Overseer. Does anyone know what language that first one is in???
And this line between Namor and Dr. Doom. Btw, Namor gains 4 Outrage when Dr. Doom toots the horn.
I also found this infamous line between Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Doom
Triggered when knocked down
Found your quote
I've got some screenshots to show. Starting with these.
I saw a line from Serpent against the Shuri boss this month. It said, "the world is mine!" or something close. He said it while activating his Sp1. I didn't catch it in time though
There's more with the rest of the spider-verse champions
Shathra has got some interactions with some of the spider-verse characters, with each having their own response! We've only tested the ones she synergizes with for now.
Galan has a line. This has triggered when starting a harvest via SP3 or when completing a transcendent harvest.