Tony617 ★
Sent you a message on Line
Aww man. We're Gold 1 but would have loved to have you.
Still looking for 1 before war season starts
1 down, 1 to go
LF TB or Paragon only
Hey Gold 2 alliance here. We do Map 5 with no.mods but we do expect participation in AW from everyone. My line is is blockbuster12 if you're interested
What's G4
Ah so close. We use Line and only do AQ and AW
You might want to post more information about your account
Messaged you on Line
Do you use Line?
I can't find you in game
11 spots open
Hey looking to fill some vacant spots due to retirements. Hit me up on line : blockbuster12
Found 3. Looking for a few more active players
I sent you a message on line
Hi looking for good active players for our alliance. Gold 1 3BG wars. Map 5 AQ. Decent BG event score. Hit me up on Line at blockbuster12
I don't think you read my post....
Update for upcoming season 42: We're Gold 1 and looking for 2 TB or Paragon players, 12k minimum prestige. Hit me up on line: blockbuster12
Sorry not quite what we're looking for. Looking for TB and Paragon, 12k minimum prestige,
Have one open spot left
Going to message you