This is the invite link for BURIED ALIVE THIS IS FOR Creeping Crawlers
We have now reached 1.5mil . Still looking for 15 members.
If you are still looking. You can join BrainDead Zombies(D€A7H). We run map321, we are friendly ally. We also do wars . My in game name is Slayerzz~1.
Hey @Pete_Niko if you are still looking you can join us our ally is BrainDead Zombies(D€A7H) . my in game name is Slayerzz~1.
If you are still looking here is an ally for you. We run map221 now all week and in future we will run map321. If u want to join us contact me. Line id is slayerzz474 In game name Slayerzz~1
I think u may not get a gold ally for this level. If you are still looking you can join our BrainDead Zombies (D€A7H) , this is a new ally we do map 321 (currently 221) until we r filled. Aimining for silver 3 or 2 if u want to join contact me.
Thank you @Slayerzz and @ZombieZedd r u dead enough to join us.
We have now reached 1.4 million alliance rating. Still looking.
Still hunting