
  • There is a rewards buff coming for the next AW season I believe. It was mentioned in the last forum post for season update. Alliance war tokens sound interesting but that’s basically loyalty isn’t it? You accumulate loyalty to buy what you want
  • Glad we are finally finding some common ground LOL. And yes, I’ve been saying it on and off this platform that BGs could use some inspiration from other games to implement a suitable system
  • I’m a fan of players starting off in higher ranks in Victory Track. It only makes sense. The “stronger players” face off each other in say Gold1 and the rest are started off in lower tiers. I think Kabam Miike acknowledged this already and said it’s something they’re looking into. As for matchmaking in VT, it’s a slippery…
  • “I want to climb up the ranks easily” “I earned my right to slice through noob accounts like butter on my way to a good gladiator circuit spot” Those “noob accounts” will probably tell you the same thing. That they also earned their right to climb ranks easily by beating up on even smaller “noob accounts”. But I definitely…
  • I’m also referring to your previous post that got deleted lol. I know where you’re coming from. And I’m responding since you wanted my take. 150-200 points would’ve meant they landed Quantum last season. How many of such accounts were there in those positions? Because I’ve been looking at the leaderboards for such…
  • Not some of the commenters taking OP’s words out of context to fit their agendas. Nowhere does OP mention anything about Victory Track but he mentions how it’s difficult for him to climb up Gladiator Circuit. GC is running the way it should be. I match a mix of “weak”, equally matched and muchhh stronger accounts in GC -…
  • I don’t have a r5 but I love facing stronger accounts than mine to climb up GC ranks. That’s how it works right? Higher you climb, the stiffer the competition is… Maybe, just maybe - having done all content and having a R5 doesn’t mean you’re entitled a free pass in Mysterium or Celestial. Drafting, skill, roster,…
  • What’s the point? This will further worsen matchmaking which seems to be such a hot topic on the forums as of late Also, it’s GC - everyone fights the same nodes. It shouldn’t matter if a meta is easy or difficult. We have season 7 and 8 nodes announced in advance as well so people have time to prepare for those rankups
    en New BG idea Comentario por Vydra marzo 2023
  • Pretty sure that falls under some of their job scopes to handle, not sure why you’re so worried about what they need to deal with. It’s part of the job.
  • To add on, most damages done in Week4 Rage meta typically should never go beyond 3k damage as the biggest hit. Not possible with health pools, boosts or any other sort of damage manipulation as we know. My hope is that something is acknowledged before Season 6 starts because I think the player base deserves to know if it’s…
  • It’s obvious at this point you don’t play GC or even a competent enough player to comprehend why things are happening the way they are with or without spreadsheets or “youtube conspiracies” So let the big boys handle this one bub while you sit back and watch
    en Bans in BGs Comentario por Vydra marzo 2023
  • Honestly at this point, I just want the bans to be served. Could care less about the rewards adjustment.
    en Bans in BGs Comentario por Vydra marzo 2023
  • KT knows this but he forgot to mention that it’s actually top 12,000 players who didn’t have any change in rank. One guy on stream shared the screens with him And yeah I’m like a bee to honey with posts like this and I’m not resting till something is acknowledged and done
    en Bans in BGs Comentario por Vydra marzo 2023
  • This isn’t the main concern. No bans happened in BGs after season 5 ended.
  • Well if you guys haven’t heard already, no one got banned in BGs since the season ended. Might be able to tell from your unchanged ranks. So given the extreme leniency or perhaps nonchalance to the blatant modding in BGs, I don’t think they care about people who mod in incursions for the title
  • 17 pages worth of input and feedback to improve a mode we all love…. But it’s clear nothing is being considered, since nobody in the top 12,000 ranks(latest confirmed update) has had their positions changed pre and post season5 - implying that everyone is clean and not modders. Lol But they’ve banned a “1000 modders”
  • No changes to my ranking at all either. There were obvious modders in the leaderboards. How is it that the game team has a designated modder bounty crew and still flop this hard? Where I ranked it’s top800 and you’re telling me there’s no bans at all?! Can’t wait to hear from those who ranked lower and tell us if their…
  • Ah fair enough, I’m not too sure then. I didn’t exit BGs when we had an hour left. So maybe I still had continued access to viewing the boards. Me personally I managed to catch my fall in ranks with the final push. Also partly wanna see how much improvements in ranks I’ll get once the ban wave hits
    en BG leaderboard Comentario por Vydra marzo 2023
  • Was in a big youtuber stream last night after the season ended and what I heard was that in the last hour, this youtuber who’s in celestial 5 was trying to match make had his match declined like 15 times. Same with a few other celestials. The running theory is that someone in the much higher rankings were using their…
  • This isn’t true though? I was refreshing the leaderboard till about a minute after the season ended and managed to capture my final position. Maybe it didn’t show for a select few..
    en BG leaderboard Comentario por Vydra marzo 2023
  • Players like yourself would still find it hard to progress in BGs even with the use of shields though
  • Such a rush to rank up? All you have to do is hold off ranking for a bit and wait for the announcement. Simple.
  • It sounds like a good idea until your opponent drafts in DoT champs to bypass 4* health pools easily lol
  • Agree with the part that stuff does happen. But if it happens everything you start a BGs match, then something is not right. Starting a BG match is a commitment to finishing a match within 7-10 minutes. If you’re finding a need to pause every single match because of “outside commitment”, then perhaps real life is more…
  • Say who do you support? 👀 Ahhh hammers! Yes that was a good analogy, never saw it that way. I think it’s DNA who suggested on another thread we should have points based system for matchmaking as well and that should be the basis for matchmaking….or something along those lines lol But I don’t know. I’m mixed on VT…
  • Say who do you support? 👀
  • If you played, you’d know
  • Can never please you lot. Introduces anti player features = complaints. Introduced pro player features = complaints.
  • Everything is ruining the game these days😂😂😂