I run a silver 1 alliance if interested. Hit me on line Boss_Papi
100% positive.....LOL Not my line id. Went through an interview and everything. My line I'd has "boss" in it. Should be in chat history Thanks! Still like your ally's name pretty cool. Good luck
They said no to me 2 or 3 seasons ago. I had 1 r5. But my tier 5 exp was 8 months old. Now I have 4 r5's. And constantly clear my lane in AW t4-5. Sometimes it's just getting a shot. I give peeps a shot in my ally and sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't. I still have a line chat with you guys Lol Anyway just my 2…
Sent you an in game requesten 6.5 Prestige lf Organized, Reliable, Adult Gold 1 ally Comentario por fiddlefaddle99 febrero 2019
We are gold 1 and will have some spots open. Line I'd is Boss_Papi
We are gold 1 and run maps 554 in AQ Of interested let me know
We will have a spot open Sending you a line message now
Sent you a line message
Civil Warrior is kinda underrated IMO. He does a lot of things fairly well but at the end of the day his damage is low and his utility fails to stack up to the top champions like Magik or even vision... which is why people don't like him. That being said, if you're fairly new to the game and you pull a 4* or 5* CW, rank…
1: Spiderman 2: Don't remember... possibly ironman 3: Red Suit Deadpool 4: electro or iron fist. 5: OML 6: Karnak
Yes spending makes a huge difference. I ranked Rulk right after his update (so before I got any of those other 3) and I don't regret it for one second. his damage is great and he's a beast in AQ thanks to his poison immunity
Yes that's true. but if you look at a hardcore grinder like BG even he is starting to run out of gold. it wasn't that long ago that he had 12-14m gold. now he is down below 7m
thanks guys! My 5* luck has been crazy recently... in the last month or so I pulled Gulk, Blade (1/2 featured crystals), Sentinel, taskmaster, and Hela. I also pulled 4* Starky and ghost rider to go with my blade :) I've been grinding arena like a madman trying to get them all leveled up lol!
Generally speaking if you're grinding the 5* arena you don't want to use any champion below 3/30. In the 4* arena the lowest is a 4/40 3*.. That's juat speaking from my own experience
Ah masteries... I've done what feels like a **** ton of reading about them and I think I have a decent setup. Thoughts and advice on this would be helpful as well.
There comes a point where you hit "infinite streak". After that point the fights are generally pretty easy. Here's a helpful video by Brian Grant on how to get there :)