m4ciekk ★
It's weird. You don't have to be here to play the game. Thanks for reply.
Thanks. I have just joined.
Hey, I don't use Line anymore but have two accounts with 4,2k and 6,5k units. I'm gonna spend at least 4k for each account. If you still have a free spot let me know. My nicks ingame: PlanarBoard PlanarBoardJr
Thanks. I just read the announcement.
Thanks for votes, but only two for Apoc? Honestly he was my first choice to R4. I watched MCOC NOOB 8.2 TIPS/GUIDES on YouTube and counted how often all the characters appear in each chapter. Omega Sentinel, Apoc, Elsa and even Nick Fury appear much more often than Kingpin. Did you use him a lot while exploring 8.2? BG…
From all my mutants I have got R5 or R2/3 such as Colossus, Prof X, AA, Apoc, Domino, Namor, Magneto, Omega Red is the one I use the least. I don't run suicides as well. I use him only when I need to boost Colosss' damage
I'd focus on R4/R5: Ghost, Apoc, MoleMan, Black Widow CV, Venom first.
None of them. Choose Moleman instead of. You won't regret. Belive me.
I'm waiting for another Nick Fury pull for over half a year with no success. I have 31 6* champions and none of them is naturally awakenend so I doubt my first dupe will be NF. Besides that he's fine as R2 in Cav EQ. I don't remember if ever used him in completing Act 7.1-7.2. or exploring Variant 7 If so then it was…
Hahaha no way. Too much ISO I would sacrifice to do that :D
Not enough mastery points I guess.
I play since December 2014 or something like that. I sold most of my accounts because I lost the will to play more but I always came back few months later. My last return was about 2 years ago. I was praying to get Corvus, Aegon, CA IW long time and with every bad, unwanted champion I got I was dissapointed more and more.…
I got Angela, Hela, Heimdall and The Champion as a 5* but I'm not a fan using one champion with full synergy for entire path. I would be dead sooner or later for sure :D I thought about Thing to put him in a team with HT only. Is that make any sense?
Wow. That's cool. AA is going up for sure. Thank you all guys! BTW I got that info from there >https://www.mcocguideblog.com/2020/12/mcoc-act-7-book-2-chapter-1-easy-path.html My bad: AA was mentioned twice not once.
I don't even think about Iceman. I don't remember If I ever use him once in 2020. He was my first R4 mutant, did his job in the past and that's all. Two votes for AA. He was my first choice but I read some tips about easy paths in 7.1 and he was usefull only once. That's why I created that poll.
I didn't have any expectations because I can't belive I could duped my 6* Nick Fury with any of those Cavs crystals but instead of Nick I got 6* Thing and 6* Elsa with bunch of 3 and 4* champions on my alt account. Not bad at all:) Besides that I got 5* Corvus on my main. Corvus which I was looking for since he was…
If you wanna join to my one man ally, just pm me ingame: PlanarBoard or PlanarBoardJr Prestige: around 9k AQ: mostly two BG with map1 😁 just to hit few milions at the end and get some glory to buy t5b, t2a frags and t1a No war, no Line app, just chilling 😁
Why not 6* nexus crystal instead of? LOL
Thanks for inputs. I R4, awakaned Void, put 29 sigs more and deal with two last paths in chapter 2. If I won't pull anything better from mystic class in the next two weeks I will R4 SS for sure. Cheers
I wouldn't. I R4 mine and added 200 sigs and still barely use him. Most of the time I use him in a team with Colossus in low tier wars when Korg is the boss. But I still think Colossus is better for that job.
I see only Drax but I wouldn't use AG on him tbh
I never thought about Sunspot as a counter to Kang because I thought I would use 5/50 Sentinel but it's an idea I will consider for sure. Thanks.
Two months ago when I was at your level I complete 6.1 with Quake 4/55 Ghost 4/55 Namor (sig~70) 4/55 The Hood (sig 20) 3/45 Spider-Gwen (sig 20) 3/45 Abomination 6* 1/25 Carnage 3/45 But I used mostly the first 4.
Domino, Masacre + Red Hulk. The rest depends on the nodes Spiked Armor: Quake, Crosbones Masochism: Angela Power gain, etc.: Iceman, Spider-Gwen, Dormammu, Killmonger, Ghost Rider Biohazard: Iceman, Sentinel, Luke Cage Besides that Hyperion, Archangel and Scarlet Witch
Just as i thought. No love for The Hood and Carnage? TBH my first choice was Carnage when I duped him two days ago but with no deep wounds I feel he's not excatly who I am looking for.
I know he's shock immune but is he worh to R3/R4 if I don't have HT, The Chmapion, Heimdall, Angela, Hela for synergy for him? As far as I remember I used Quake against EMP node so far.
I care and play less and less. Every 5*/6* bad pull reminds me that I still spend too much time here.
I'm trying to get one single t4 tech catalyst since the beginning of March. I opened 10 of t4 crystals and no luck so far when half of the others are overflowing right now. I have feeling this is not RNG. The game really knows which resources you need and gives you these you don't need :D
Gambit cause I got him as a 6* yesterday and don't see any use of him except exploring V1 chapter 1 which I 'm not gonna do soon anyway :D
I'm switching for sure. I got 6* Gambit, 5* Spider Man (Original) and Cyclops (the red one) on main account and 6* Abomination and 5* Vulture on alt. I don't need more champs I don't even want to level up (not mention about ranking up). T2A, T4B, etc. sounds better for me.