manveerthereal ★★★
ngl it doesnt need to be better
i stopped playing last time i played was when 8.3 got released and just got into mcoc again
isnt abs man a good bishop counter (I have a r5 6* abs man and dont know how to use bro XD)
unless your 7* roster is super advanced and you got like all the basic characters no point in taking civil warrior
bro the rewards are already better than my prediction
i think this game should not add anymore classes to the game because if they do its gonna mess up class advange/disadvantage it would be kinda annoying cause some champs for built for fights with class advantage n stuff
valk for sure
Other than that everything else is betteren with 8.3 coming soon here are my reward predictions Comentario por manveerthereal septiembre 2023
Y’all said my prediction is to op but the rewards are better than my predictionen with 8.3 coming soon here are my reward predictions Comentario por manveerthereal septiembre 2023
Hulkling if your bgs player but herc is prob the best option
if you are a good tigra player shes easily the best option but if you are not a good tigra player i would go for fury but any champs that you take up are good
this shouldn't be a question...
I mean this month we got fully formed 7* from pretty easy content and 5k titan shards aswell, we will also get 5k titan shards next month and story content usually has much better rewards than side quest contenten with 8.3 coming soon here are my reward predictions Comentario por manveerthereal septiembre 2023
might have been a little too geni there reducing the paths? I liked it how it was gives me some grinding to do lolen with 8.3 coming soon here are my reward predictions Comentario por manveerthereal septiembre 2023
best science in the game its not hard to use him just throw sp1 and keep up the poisons he has insane utility i own all 3 of those champs at r4 my valk sig 200 scorpion sig 100 and torch not duped I think if i had to choose 1 of them to r5 it would be scorpion so im going off my personal opinion (and the fact that you…
prob hecucles because of the cheat death but most champs cant solo him ( Im assuming he hasn't changed with act 5 changes)
I didn't even have a 6* until i was cavalier and i had to 100% act 5 just so i can get 2500 shards to make me a little closer to a 6* and it was harder I don't think you should be worrying about 6*s yet
incursions lol
5k titan shards is big W
iron patriot next
not mentioning torch is crazy its between torch and scorpion for best science
im parargon with 2 7* and ive been paragon for like a year lol
invisibility hes getting better utility fr
i own a 7* mysterio so i dont wanna rank up my 6* thats what i meant lol
Also I got 7* mysterio don’t wanna take him up
he wins bro has a 50% chance to get mysterio
Im in vib 3 and its rlly hard to even get a wil i have like 15.6K prestige and most people i go against have higher
finished it first try using a 5* herc i didnt rlly have a problem but when there was a champ with nullify i had a r5 6* horseman kitty pryde and she would take care of it