ss1100 ★
2 slots to fill urgently
@moaazarshad007 have line app? Add me there
1 spot to b filled urgently.
2 spots to fill. Hit us up
Member bailed. 1 spot to b filled a.s.a.p
1 spot to be filled a.s.a.p
1 spot available for the season
Still have 1 more spot
2 immediate spots available
Come baby come come
1 spot available. Member retiring. Hit us up a.s.a.p
Slot stil available. Pm to join the family a.s.a.p
Contact us a.s.a.p
Spot still available. Hit us up a.s.a.p
We are a chilled yet active alli. Avg 400-500k weekly on s.a.
Iptf has opening for 1 maybe 2 spots. Hit me up a.s.a.p this pre season
1 more available. Grab it a.s.a.p
Spot still available. Also be warned we ARE LIKE FAMILY so we do chat bout stuff that's not game related in chatrooms
Or contact me. Line id: jooboob83
Hit us up. Spot still available for that hitter.needed
Spot still available
Tag us pm us hit us up to join our family
Hit us up a.s.a.p for new season
Hit us up a.s.a.p.
Add me in line app, add me in game. Come come
Tag us to join a.s.a.p
@Hasnandoo u still looking. Got line app?
1 spot available
Again every dollar helps. It may be sometime and well after the holiday seasons before he can be fit to work.
Latest update. We've succeeded collecting 300$ as of now. I thank those that have donated and those that have pm'ed to wish @RockyB239 well wishes.