Don't worry, they will limit carryover raid revives so that should even it out.
How is it a strategy???? It's just wasting the other persons ti m, making them hate doing BGs in the hope that they are tanking the match... I guess being a selfish jerk is a "strategy" but not one that Kabam should allow.
It's not about losing, it's about unnecessary wasting of the other players time. Do you really enjoy it when every second of time ticks off of every single element of BGs??? Come on now, don't be obtuse.
Ho about letting us continue to carry over revives in Raids? It feels like the issues are the equivalent of giving us an old soda that has been rolling around in the back of their truck for a month and the raid revives thing is shaking it up and opening it in our face....dans What would be fair compensation for all of these bugs and issues? Commentaire de AOLOG 14 janv.
@Demonzfyre @captain_rogers You two had this same dang argument exactly a year ago. You two are crazy.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. I can still use my R3 Sentinel in BGs even if I ban the opponents Sentnal. How is that a waste?
I would do Arcade, Sentinel needs the dupe to be a great defender
Ahh. Ok. I misread it. That's on me. Thanks for correcting me, I'll kill the post
Agree. Good point!
Yes, I do have an R3 sentinel and I do ban the other players sentinel if they have one in their deck. You do realize that those two things can coexist right?
That's True but it's tough to stop him in BGs from an SP3 in unless you have him armor shattered with a Medusa SP3 when he gets to 20 percent health. At R3 and awakened , mine gains over 7K armor during that period and almost 3 full bars of power He is a definite ban for me.
So tell us you haven't battled the buffed Sentinel without telling us you haven't. Lol Has super high crit resistance and armor ups that cannot be removed Debuffs trigger through block and he gains significant attack and armor when fully charged Ganins 2.7 bars of power in ten seconds when armor ups expire when dropping…
It increases the time that debuffs are active as well. At sig 111, mine increased by 1/3 which is nice with his 10 SP2 incinerates (when at full charges). Adding sentinel striker makes the incinerates even more potent.
With you 100 percent. Hopefully later than sooner as far as BG is concerned. Lol.
Just kidding. Do Hype. Unless you get Serp or Medusa, no one else benefits more in the 7* comic class than Hype at a lower level awakening. Plus, Hype is amazing to begin with so it's an easy decision.
Guardian or Prowler. I know you don't have them yet but when you do, you will wish you saved it.
If the price of th chicken drops , you don't have to return th chicken, you can bring your receipt and their customer service will literally credit your card.
Costco will refund the difference of a purchase made in their store if it gets lowered within 30 days should you request it.... I guess you expect Walmart service from Kabam when others expect Costco service.
Thank you both for your answers. I appreciate it.
If customers who spent their limited free time and in many cases hard earned money on this game need to vent out their frustrations, I say go for it. If their anger is directed at Netmarble for not doing or spending more to fix the game (a 3.5 Billion dollar company) and not directly at the hard working people who work on…
Mine as well.
I am missing two as well.
Isn't th game itself one giant advertisement for Marvel???? Why is it free stuff if it cost Kabam absolutely nothing financially to give it to customers but it cost our time to spend playing their app instead of a different companies app? Kabam isn't doing this as charity work you know, plenty of other companies would be…
You're letting trolls live rent free in your head.... That's what they want and the only reason they do it. Why pick such small battle to fight when you can just disable global chat and happily play the game with the only stress being content induced?
Well, I can only speak for myself but the total time consumption for a few rounds (from banning champs to the final victory or loss screen) seems to take longer than most of not all the other content. I swear that I can get through my entire 40ish champ 7* roster in arenas or 4 or 5 rooms in solo incursions in the time it…
That's not the issue. It's that they announced the changes to diversity scoring would begin with War 8 but they implement it during War 7. It's not giving a free pass when they announced one thing and did something totally different.
The fact that it impacts any allies is what should make it important... This isn't a save the whales club so it doesn't add any extra gravitas because it impacts the top 1 percent the most....
I actually changed my post because I didn't want to call anyone out but to answer your post, it would be more like they banned nitrous for future races and not the current one but at the end of the race they decided that those who used nitrous lost even though they came in first... A pot hole would be a random act, not an…