B00gerbutt ★
Another day stuck at 26 members. Could easily make room for merger
My ally needs you. Synfm
Map4s and silver1 x 2bgs
Another purge. I kick because I care
Your friends list is full. I send invites to everyone in group.
I'll take everyone. I have 2 alts I can remove if need be. We are only doing maps 3 and 4. 1 bg of aw silver1 Look up b00gerbutt Alliance name is Synistar Farms
You're not the only one. It works for my alts on same phone though.
Another week, different idiots. I could use 7-10 new members
I'll take both in a heartbeat. Less members to communicate with. Ill try to find you on Line
Bombing myself. Recruiting sucks
We are currently silver1 but have upgraded since. We run 5-4-4. Look up b00gerbutt
We run 5-4-4. We consistently clear with 26 members. I'm always kicking slackers. Game name is b00gerbutt
We could use you. Look up b00gerbutt
Looks like a whole bg isnt happening. I'll take map4 players
Alliance name is (SynFm) Synistar Farms