Bigron79 ★
My allinace runs map 6 and 3 bgs of gold 1 wars, we have 3 open spot available asap if you are still looking and interested. Hmu on line app to chat some more,,, Line ID is silentreaper
My allinace family has some spots open in what areas on AQ and AW you are seeking. Hmu on line… silenreaper is my line Id
My alliance has a few spots open for map 6 players, if interested, hit me back on Line... SilentReaper79 is my tag, hope to hear from you.
I have a spot available in my map 6 aq focused ally. Hit me on line yo chat more..Line ID SilentReaper79 or IGN SilentReaper. Look forward to chatting with you bud.
- much for duping my Aegon, guess Kabam don’t want us to have a duped Aegon to play with..smh..hope this gets fixed soon..