Captain_Maim ★
Looking for 1 after we had a guy rage quit
New recruit didn’t work out, need 1 more.
New recruit didn’t work out. Need one more
Add me on line if you’re still looking. captainmaim
One more spot opened up
One more spot opened up.
New recruit not working out. Anyone still looking for a better spot?
Line ID: captainmaim
1 more needed
2 more spots open. 2 of our new recruits are not working out.
Looking for 1 more
@MrSakuragi the start of bgs doesn’t make a difference, so it having 1 week in between is not the issue. The only issue is when it finishes. You could make it so there is 2 weeks in between to match war, or you could simply extend war or bgs so that the finish is at the same point. As for raids, that’s a little more…
Still looking
Still looking
Me too but you don’t respond. That tells me all I need to know
New season coming. Looking for new recruits
Might be looking for 1 or 2… some new recruits not working out
Same here
Still looking
Looking for 1 more, as a new recruit didn’t work out
Haha thanks @The_Curd_Bros !
We use line @Endgame2000 as in the post you can add me on line: captainmaim
Still looking