Cats4life ★
Im definitely gonna need this in 3 days because Mr. Negative is gonna be my 1st rank 2 six star and currently I am not good with him at all so thanks
Thank you guys for the positive feedback, its been a while since I used forums so I was kinda worried lol
All those resources for nothing, I was told that he was a good option for it. Since there are no new videos about the champion I just used stealthy like some people where doing. Man this just hurts
So I basically need a good mystic, man this game. I was sold on a lie
Yup I always make sure
Your funnydans *REMOVE ENERGY REFILL FROM STORY MODE AND MAKE IT UNLIMITED* Commentaire de Cats4life juin 2020
This is a really dope idea mate
Everyone just want's and excuse for compensation now. Tbh its just horrible on how some of these people find tiny excuses for compensation.
Here is the Galactus version if this theory Break me into pieces This could stand for how galactus is proboaly breaking his army into 5 parts. One for himself and the 4 others being for his heralds. Split myself into 5 This maybe means how galactus gave his heralds 4 parts or the 5 parts of his power to strengthen them.…dans Incoming Hijacked Transmission... What does it mean? [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Cats4life mai 2020
Alright I have to repost this because someone was having a fit on the other version of this thread but here is the least developed theory I made about this Split me into five may be related to the fantastic 4 or galactus( if he has 4 heralds for himself). The fantastic 4 was split up with Reed, Susan, thing, and jhonny…dans Incoming Hijacked Transmission... What does it mean? [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Cats4life mai 2020
Also heres the galactus part. Break me into pieces This could stand for how galactus is proboaly breaking his army into 5 parts. One for himself and the 4 others being for his heralds. Split myself into 5 This maybe means how galactus gave his heralds 4 parts or the 5 parts of his power to strengthen them. One for himself…
Split me into five may be related to the fantastic 4 or galactus( if he has 4 heralds for himself). The fantastic 4 was split up with Reed, Susan, thing, and jhonny going to different parts of the battle world. I consider silver surfer a member because he is usually hanging out with them. But idk it does say myself but I…
No I meant how you didnt know they were going to do this, mate it's been on the forums for 3 days now or was it 2 idk anymore point is it's been already stated
Your joking right
Mate there is a thread for this and why the spam?
Bold of you to assume I have a ghost
This will be fun
Also just got rhino too so they might make interesting defenders
It was a joke mate chill out
Alright I'll max out medusa but I must say this, groot pls forgive me I forgot how good you are
A groot is coming my way
Dont jinx it man lol
Lol yeah im surprised myself how I've pulled some good and beyond good champs
I would probably have to practice with her then lol
Dude I know how you feel curently my alliance leader is going crazy because we keep losing in aw and I want to tell him to stop and that we cant win all of them but as t the same time there is the rust of me losing my rewards
Here are the teams
Wait to who
What the heck happened here while I was gone lol