Chosen85 ★
Haven't gotten mine either
I pulled Red Hulk 3 times in a row...
This is my one gripe with her defensive kit. Adding missnwas justin overkill.
She is actually a great Bullseye counter. Get her to her 20 charges and no one can evade her and she basically turns into a totally different champ. She is really powerful once you get your 20 charges. Her heavies do big damage as well at 20+ charges. One of the underrated champs in the game.
That's my main issue. Tough nodes and such big fine with but this AI in the fight is ridiculous. I've already completed all objectives but that doesn't change the fact that the AI is stupid.
He's outdated for sure. Hope they show him some love soon. There's just so many better science champs. The other Hulks are better than him in my opinion. Hes not better than Hulk, Fixit, She Hulk or Deathless She Hulk, or Overseer. Hes not terrible but he does need a tune up or buff imo.
Does Leader suck? I have no experience with him.
I respect that lol. I dont think I'll open another one until he's out of it since he loves me so much . Or maybe they do really hate me.
I got Red Hulk 2x in a row...
I pulled him twice in a row from a titan and I'm not happy about it. He's not a terrible champions but he's also not Titan worthy in my opinion. I do think he needs a buff or tune up because he pales in comparison to his counterparts (hulk, joe fixit, overseer etc.) He seems a bit outdated. Hopefully they'll show him some…
I'm guessing it's something that will be distributed at the end of the event. It says "item x1". That's what I'm guessing.
It says that it's an item x1. Maybe it will be distributed at the end of the event.
It says that it's an item. Maybe we'll receive it at the end of the event.
I pulled him twice in a row from a titan. I deserve a refund lol.
How about changing Modok? Youn can barely fight him bc of the prompts which are bugged. There is absolutely too much going on in the fight.
I didn't have to make this post. You didn't have to come here and respond. See how that works?
Absolutely. It's gotten ridiculous. There needs to be some counters coming. Better attackers too. They're so scared of making another Hercules offensively but they'll make broken defenders like Onslaught, Bullseye, Serpent etc. I hope they balance it out.
Here we go... It's like there's a group of people who get on forums just to find a post to leave a negative or snarky response. I was just making a post about a issue that the good people at Kabam may not have been aware of. There could be an issue with any champion in any mode where they can say "pick someone else then."…
100% was the main point of my post.
100% agree
You just proved my point. There's a few things you need to go just right to get his maximum damage. I didn't say it was hard. I said I wish there was more damage for the extra skill you have to put in to getting his maximum damage. Such as getting the opponent to 1.9 bars of power, placing the incinerate while the opponent…
100% correct
Problem is the titan crystal is not great right now. Secondly this screw up affected the bg currency we start with. People had plans to use that currency on rank ups and such. I for one usually get 25k. I started with 13k. I dont use mine on 7* shards. It's used almost exclusively on t6 class cats.
She Hulk for Gamma objective. For Sinister 6 I used Sandman.
Kabam said in a livestream in December that new masteries are coming. I wouldn't say they abandoned them. They're just really complex in introducing them in game bc they affect so much.
Sometimes Scorpions sp1 is bugged when charging a heavy into a sp1. He just spins in place when I activate the sp1 and the defender just dashes back. This is happening regardless of opponent I fight. I've seen others have the same issue. I'm not using a relic if that makes a difference.
She'd be banned in battlegrounds every time.
Vox for sure. Once you understand him, you find out he's really good. Doesn't necessarily need to be awakened. It makes a difference though. And his play style is smooth.