ClubberLang ★
Still room?
AW season 12 starts today correct?
I'd love to join but I don't think my account could handle it. I'll definitely contact you when I grow.
I pity the fool. Great name.
I pity the fool who don't contact these jokers!
Great group of summoners there. I Pity the Fool who don't join.
Any spots left?
These guys rock. Super fun team to play for. I trust these guys and gals with my life.
We would hate to see you miss your chance. I'd pity the fool.
I pity the fool who misses this opportunity.
Yes, I just put a secondary account in there to help with map 5. Contact me on Line. RockyB239dans RECRUITING NEW MEMBERS FOR OUR SERIOUS BUT FUN 6 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang mai 2018
How many spots are open?dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR FUN BUT SERIOUS 7 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang mai 2018
I pity the fool who misses out on this opportunity.dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR FUN BUT SERIOUS 4 MIL ALLIANCE (IPTF!) Commentaire de ClubberLang mai 2018
It's a great team. Very active and knowledgeable. Everyone helps each other out to get max rewards. Not afraid to joke around and have fun.dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR A SERIOUS BUT FUN 6 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang avril 2018
This group is great. We watch our rating grow daily.
Have 1 spot currently open.dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR A SERIOUS BUT FUN 6 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang avril 2018
Looking for a couple members to join the fun.
Only a few spots left
We only need a few more. Advance quickly with this great alliance.
This is becoming a great alliance.
We still have room. Contact me or Rocky asap.
Hello. I'm not sure what you mean about Colossus?
This group is solid.dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR A SERIOUS BUT FUN 4 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang janvier 2018
Looks promising.dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR A SERIOUS BUT FUN 4 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang janvier 2018
This is a very organized group.dans RECRUITING MEMBERS FOR A SERIOUS BUT FUN 4 MIL ALLIANCE (RH4H) Commentaire de ClubberLang janvier 2018