DrowRanger76 ★
Had the same issue, just opened a support ticket for it. Had already purchased tiers 1-4 once and tier 1 again, all those points counted. Then I bought tier 2 again and that didn't count.
I had the same problem in day 1 of AQ in map 8. I chose Broken Measures for Medusa in map 8, it worked as expected in section 1 path 6 last night, however when I used her in the first fight for section 3 (path 4) the buff did not work at all
@"Kabam Boo" The same issue is happening again in the Spider-Man (Stealth Suit) arena. I just reached the milestone and my 4* was already at sig 99, didn't get a max signature stone, 5* shards or ISO from it. The milestones still show him as a normal champ, not basic
Source of the issue here https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/249164/missing-thronebreaker-calendar
Yes, I just realized this also happened to me and came to the forum to see whether other people had the same problem. I haven't missed a single calendar day since they were introduced