**May 8th - HOT FIX INCOMING**
Hey Summoners,
A Hot Fix will be pushed to all stores shortly. This will address a bug causing crashes on some iOS devices. Please keep an eye out and update when you're able.
Thank you!


  • THE SHADE SYNDICATE is an 8-alliance family and I'm pretty sure we can accommodate all of your members into any one of our 8 alliances which range from PLAT 3 in AW to entry-level. If you're interested in finding out more, come check out our Discord server. We are a well-organized and well-managed alliance group that value…
  • No, THAT is not what I said...AT ALL! The basis for my response is that these changes to matching should have been done in the offseason and not midway through the season. Additionally, I NEVER brought up "alliance rating" as even a viable statistic by which to match. I SAID use a combination of War Rating and the…
  • I have no problems with KABAM changing the way they match teams in AW, but why do they have to do it during the season and not off-season. It is very obvious that they changed their matching algorithm during the last maintenance because after that, the matches were made based on War Rating (and from the looks of it, solely…
  • Just to add to this discussion. I have led an alliance to GOLD 3 in its first season and am confident that I can do it again...with your help. We are a highly organized alliance that use technology and data to get advantage in the game. Our members have followed each other over the past alliances and finally decided to…
  • Some of my alliance members are back online but I’m still not able to log in. What’s happening?