Farrukh_tv ★★
Yeah, because wanting a better live streaming experience is just soooo unrealistic. My bad for expecting more than chaos and bots.
in my original post there was no mention of anyone from the crew. I am very grateful to all of them for taking the time to do this stream. i know they must have spent decent amount of time to do the preparations. Some might argue that level of preparation was not enough but I am not a producer so I cannot be a judge of…
Again i dont use twitch a lot so dont see these messages on other chats and i am trying to stream myself too, i dont have any chatters like actually but still when i was setting moderation up i was suggested to turn on some settings to block the exact type of messages. I dunno if it works like that or not but thats my…
Well yeah i dont expect my message to be seen by Dave or be shouted out on the stream, or something liek that. I meant that it wont be seen by anyone in general becausethere is too much spam, not to even someone in the chat.
I dont use twitch a lot but i watch some other streamers sometimes, i dont get spammed witth a$$ cheeks or d'"ck emotes there. It can be moderated. I am pretty sure its very easy fix to not allow these spams
what is "necroed"? i was trying to make a new post and after I just saw this in my profile and left a comment.
okay so this was posted fine then were is my twitch post ???
wow, it been so long since I was in the forums, people didn't like me for suggesting these, it's funny looking back after the recent changes to the battleground
Must be a bug? After they fixed the not getting the objective they made it you get the objective either way? Lol i dunno but i did get both at the same timedans 4 points away from deathless piece. What's a good SOS team? Commentaire de Farrukh_tv juillet 2024
i did use Gorr, Herc, and Guardian on the right path and got 5 objectives and 1 point for clearing so 6 overall. unfortunately I missed on mission in whatever week and I am one point short from final milestone so I guess I will not take the left lane.dans 4 points away from deathless piece. What's a good SOS team? Commentaire de Farrukh_tv juillet 2024
His sp1 is easily dexable, and heal can be dealt with lots of heal block champs. Champs like HT, Doom, Warlock work great but if you keep getting hit with sp1 I think you just need to practice fighting him.
Paragon, Story 100% explored, some variants also 100%, only couple carina chalanges done, didn't do the abbys or gauntlet yet, I'll see how the EOP looks tomorrow and decide what i will do next.
Are you ok? Who hurt you?
i would start with king groot if you can get him awakened, he will save you ton of units with his heal ultron is a good one as well, he also has some good utility and in the future he will be usufel for act 7 so good investment early on hyperion but also better when awakened still good tho sauron and killmonger if you are…
If they are rounding it up to display they should either round it up in calculations as well or show the fractions, otherwise it doesn't make sense to lose by those invisible numbers. They have the exact same score, it's not % like health, it's a number.
What's the point of hidden rank? What does it do? Like i said it dosent effect milestones. You still need equal amount of wins to get milestone rewards in solo and alliance. And for going up a tier those rewards should be claimable. Objectives tho they are only good when they work. If you climb a tier mid-objective they…
Guys, AW season already work like that no? You carry over your season rank/tier to next. What would happen if every season aliences were back below stone tier? Here you will just drop fewer ranks instead of going to 0. And its not "free rewards" you climbed the tiers last season to earn some "relief" for next one, also you…
People saying you will miss out on those rewards, yeap this is what I was thinking, some other games work like that.
did you not see if you timed out or not?
I tried many times and ended up using Ronan, stun him and don't worry about evade. If you build up correctly you can stun luck him
If you use them then, of course, it's either gem or another year/years without awakening, what I'm saying is if you're not going to use them isn't that gem better off saved for new upcoming champs?
Why were you going to spend your precious gem on him? What is PlatPool useful for? Or just for the shiny stars?
looks like they remove the trade altogether not just one piece, also when they said cost will update they just meant that piece you trade will change not the quantity
Btw i traded 1 head for the legs.
But they said prices will go up, i wonder how's that gonna work. +1 piece every rotation? Next time ass come up will it be 2 for 1 trade. If thats the case i'm not taking that deal and would recommend others the same.
Missed the ass trade maybe i could've even awaken him. Those 3 heads I got last time dosent feel bad anymore
after the season ends, is everyone getting back to bronze 3 again next season?
Well, of course, PREMIUM crystals are supposed to be from 2-4* how are you getting 6*??? It's unreal!!!
Gorr dissasgrees
Ungrateful! You got Groot!