Flynno24 ★
Hey Htotheizzo, I’ve added you on line. We run a mix of map 6 and 7 and we are currently plat 4 aiming for higher next season Let me know if you’re interested
Hey Les, we run a mix of map 6 and 7 and we are plat 4 aiming for plat 3 next season. Hit me up on line if you’re interested. Flynno24
Hey man, you still looking? I’ve added you on line.dans Coming off a break from the game, looking for map 6 or 7 ally Commentaire de Flynno24 août 2021
Hey man, we might be a good ally for you. I’ve messaged you on line
I’ve added you on line bro, lmk what you think
Hey mate, I’ve added you on line.
Hey mate. I’ve added you on line. Let me know if you’re interested
With suicides he can finish the fight quick enough to not need to refresh them. Even without, I got him down to 15% with my 5/65 and had to use a small revive to finish him off :smile: A 6* R3 Could easily get a solo
Hey man, I’ve added you on line. We are 766, platinum 4/3 and looking for a few members. Let me know if you’re interested