
  • Summary: Side A - It's not a shortage if you can get a guaranteed amount of a resource every week/month through various means. Stop being so impatient. Side B - It's a shortage in relation to other top tier resources. T1A's are a shared resource among 8 different rankup possibilities (4* R2,R3,R4,R5; 5*R2,R3,R4,R5). The…
  • See the following: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/211070#Comment_211070 I don't think I'm misinterpreting here but that sounds like he said the Event Quest spotlight is coming out today.
  • @"Kabam Miike" said the quest spotlight would be out today.
  • What I was attempting to point out was that if Kabam was trying to maintain the same continuity with regards to both balance of resources as well as timing of progression when switching from 4 stars to 5 stars, they missed the mark. Thus the reason I showed the various ratios. Showing my own acquisition of resources is…
  • I think this problem was discovered due to the upper tier of the player bases focus turning from 4-Star rank ups to 5-star rankups. Just comparing 4-star Rank 4 & 5 to 5-Star Rank 2 & 3, it takes the same amount of T4C, 2 less T4B and 7 more T1A. If kabam were to appropriately recognize this shift, they should have also…
  • In the previous system of AQ you could chase T4CC by doing map 6 and you would still get T4B and T1A. It wasn't exclusive where you had to pick which resource is our alliance going for. The difference between this season and last season is they dropped T1A from the rewards of the expert tier AQ rewards.
  • 6 Months ago, when I first joined my current alliance, we had a long-term goal of getting weekly T4CC and we were going to achieve that goal by doing map 6 every week. In the last 2 months we stopped running map 6 altogether because almost all of our members have either T4CC in overflow or a large amount of unopened…
  • I don't mind resources being unbalanced. It would be impossible to balance resources with players and many different stages. However, I haven't seen a good argument as to why the bottleneck should be at a low resource such as T1A. As an example, another major bottleneck is T2A's which is completely understandable as these…
  • I need 90 more T1A's to get the rest of my 5*'s to R3. That's ignoring all my R3 4*'s. So yeah, I'd buy a reasonably priced T1A card.
  • The point is that we always had the "choice" to diversify battlegroups but we didn't before because we had the best chance to win by placing top defenders. Now, in order to have the best chance at winning we MUST diversify. I don't see how ranking a champ that could possibly help you win 700 5* shards 3 times a week is a…