Justcause102 ★
On Reddit, I discovered this a few days ago. I'm not sure it's totally accurate, but I hope it helps. To complete my final two necropolis challenges, I decided to buy both the cavalier and the thronebreaker because I think they are worth the price.
Magneto isn't reliable enough for battlegrounds, in my opinion, and this rank-up is for battlegrounds.
Are you suggesting I take magneto to r3?
bro said he got kicked before the event even started. I doubt they’re gonna help him.
We shouldn't have any problems collecting the 2-3 gem. The milestones have been cut in half, so I believe we should have it by Wednesday.
I don't know why you felt compelled to write a post on this. You seem more intent on boasting or belittling this account.
this baddie
As of right now, Deadpool X Force, but gladiator circuit Meta has also increased his damage, so I suppose we'll see how well he performs in the upcoming Battlegrounds seasons.
This guy makes really great videos. If you haven’t seen these already you should check them out. Scream https://youtu.be/1MQcQ7rD8ls?si=thKWkFZg9AxiVmbC Medusa https://youtu.be/mahrWbCrVpQ?si=DpljOofpi76Fem6J
Honestly, they are about the same.
No, I’m not.
Although I really detest it, I'm relieved that it's only in the victory track. Gladiator circuit will be a lot of fun.
I hate to be that guy, 😬but that’s rough.
If the battle pass is for three months, Dazzler will cost $125 on day one.
Yeah, no she’s not.
I ranked her up a few months ago for defense, and even with a low sig, she is one of my more reliable defenders. It doesn't hurt that she can be used offensively. In the last 25 matches, I used Domino four times, with three of those being for defense. I hope this helps.
Stark from the first two paths I took, and juggs from full exploration.
What if the individual who created this post also made the account in question🤯🤯
Why don’t they just make it free this time and then compensate the players who were affected later?
OK, thank you
Wow, I didn't realize they had been removed. Hell, I joined raids with Hulkling yesterday. Is this a bug, or is it intended?
Seven, but I only remember the login info for five.dans How many accounts you have? I like to see the number Commentaire de Justcause102 septembre 2024
They should compensate the players that purchased it with a reunion 7-star selector. In my opinion, that should have been included in the initial offer.
She's thick.
You should be good with 5K