
  • Same on android. Galaxy s9 plus.
  • Lots of characters? Go on then, post your videos, let's see it done without Corvus and without spending revives, I'm looking forward to this... Because I've not seen it done without Corvus, and the few that have, have spent a ton of potions and revives to do so... And I'm not spending that much on completely RNG dependant…
  • The rewards aren't worth that at all, not when you have luck like mine. 2000 units to get 5* Kamala or Groot? Or a 6* DPXF? No thanks... They need to stop with the RNG dependant rewards for such difficult content....
  • Really? So Champion Clash Rogue is doable with anyone? Please teach me master, because I'm a decent player, and my 5* AA can't do it, 4* have no chance unless you're an evade god and can pull off the perfect Quake gameplay. My 5* Blade stands no chance either, 6* angela gets wrecked too, I even tried 5* Masacre since he…
  • Dear Mods, you merge threads and close others down, saying there is already an active discussion. But you can't comment on any of them saying what's going on? This is getting worse day by day...
  • There's a difference between," this is hard" and "this is only possible if you have one specific champion". There should never be content that only 1 champion can get through. But there are always selfish people, those who have that 1 champion will tell the rest to be quiet, like he's some sort of authority on the matter.…
  • My question is, what's the point? Why don't you just give the rewards to the top 1% of players, or anyone who has a Corvus Glaive and not bother with the content? I would love to see anyone at Kabam complete this with no resources used... You make a champion specifically designed to Counter unstoppable (Cap IW), but oh…
  • And yeah, I don't have Corvus. Not even as a 4*...
  • Honestly, I'd rather see lower rewards and more do-able content. Not sure how you're supposed to fight a champion, especially Rogue, when they're unstoppable for 98% of the fight. Essentially you've just got 10 seconds to get as much damage in as possible, then just hope for the best. Great cash grab... I mean test of…
  • Dammit! I thought I was going to be the first one to say this! 😭 I would absolutely love to see Leech in MCOC. Passive: Mutant 'Cure' Increasing ability accuracy reduction upto 100% based on proximity to the opponent. Nullify any active buff, passive or otherwise when in striking distance of the opponent. This ability…
  • That's essentially what you get from data mined abilities, and is way too basic for the complexity of the game. Like I say, there are plenty of statisticians out there that will sit and crunch the numbers. And I would assume, that's how these things get flagged.
  • And for those of you insinuating, I'm not just trying to stir the pot, I'm trying to highlight the bigger issue here. As someone else said earlier, and I completely agree, I think this is a dangerous, slippery slope they've started down with changing the text to match performance rather than matching the performance to…
  • Come on guys, you're not seriously suggesting the the Champion Spotlight is irrelevant... When a champion is first released they are extremely hard to get, either you have to spend money or hard earned units on RNG reliant Crystals to get them, or you have to grind arena. Now obviously for those who have picked up the game…
  • @Shrimkins the other side of this though is that summoners have been given false information on 4 or 6 of Ghost Riders abilities for the past 2 and a half years, as summoners that's all we have to go on when we make our rank up decisions, and I'm not saying in this case that it would of changed anyones decisions to rank…
  • Exactly, as I stated, I'm not personally bothered about compensation, it's more about the damage control. Stop people crying before they start, it would be easy to just be like "sorry guys, we're holding our hands up, a number of issues within the text descriptions have come to light, we're going to be rectifying all the…
  • @"Kabam Zibiit" Thank you for the clarification, that does make perfect sense. But you must understand this from a summoners perspective also, I completely understand that mistakes can be made, but 4 mistakes on the same champion, that haven't been rectified for 2 and a half years, is pretty big, especially for such a well…
  • I just want to add that the Buff/debuff duration is increased by 75% for each judgement already active, and with 5 judgements active before applying the Lifesteal, that means that with past text it would of meant 6.75 seconds, extended by 350% would be 30.3 seconds total. With the new text (5.75 seconds) that means he…
  • That's fair enough, but can I ask how its taken you 4 years to pick up on it? I'm quite willing to accept that his stats/timings haven't actually changed other than in the text as I haven't done the research to know either way yet (I'll still be doing some testing to confirm what you say is correct, no offence lol). But…
  • @Shrimkins So you're telling me that for the past 3-4 years his text has been wrong and they've only just noticed it? Yeah that sounds totally legit. And anyways, that's completely irrelevant on the grounds that they only mentioned they were changing the text for Bleed, Damnation and Fate Seal, no mention of Lifesteal, yet…
  • Minimize the app for a second or 2 then open it again. Don't stop the process, just hit your home button, then after a second or 2 bring it back up and it should kick in. Not ideal, nor how it's supposed to be, but it works. I'm getting this pretty much at every step of everything I do.
  • Thank you, looking forward to an explanation ☺️
  • no one in mcoc history has taken their GR to r4 or r5 because they thought the fate seal lasted 5.3 sec instead of actually being 5 sec. [/quote] So that makes it okay to silently nerf him?
  • Don't let this thread disappear, I want some answers man!!
  • I feel like it's a bit much to say that his bleed, his fate seal, his Damnation, and his Lifesteal were all lasting different times to the times indicated on his abilities page. One? Fair enough. Two? Mm, okay, seems weird but okay. But to say all 4 of his main abilities have been lasting less time than stated in…
  • Dear Mods, Can you please shed some light on the Ghost Rider nerf. I know the patch notes stated "• GHOST RIDER: Info Page listings for Bleed, Damnation and Fate Seal have been corrected to match in-game duration" No mention of his Lifesteal, yet the duration of his Lifesteal has been reduced by 1 second. Please explain...
  • Slightly off topic, but I feel like Emma Frosts power gain rate has also be increased. My usual strategy with her is to use either Hawkeye or Vision, put in a 5 combo, then a 4 combo (to stop her just short of a bar of power) then do another 5 combo and finish with my sp1 to power drain and keep her from turning back to…
  • I'm no expert in genetics, or chemistry, but to my knowledge its to do with the building blocks of DNA, its the stuff (obviously not the scientific term 🤣) that DNA strands are actually made of. I hope I'm right 😅
  • In fact after reading the thread over again, this is the same argument as people on benefits/welfare use. "the eligibility for war rewards in game is you have to be a part of 5 wars to get rewards, so if you've been a part of 5 wars you should get rewards" That is exactly the same argument as "why shouldn't I claim…
  • How is this still going on man. The amount of people who get unjustly kicked is minimal, the problem is most think they deserve the rewards when they most likely don't. If you've only earned 50k points over the entire season, then I'm sorry but you've cost that alliance a higher war rank so you should lose your rewards.…