Join Baldwin crew
Join Baldwin Crew as long as you are active you wont be kicked!
Join Baldwin crew we are working on building our alliance!
We just kicked a bunch of inactive people so we currently need 8 people
Still could use more people.
Join Baldwin crew
Have you found an alliance?
We need 5 more people
Join Baldwin crew. No line. Im trying to rebuild an the alliance
Pikachu isnt even an option...
Gonna be honest we need a lot of new members so we can clean out ones who dont play anymore
We are still looking for more members...
Join baldwin crew
All five of you can join Baldwin crew we are currently doing map 4 but can up it to map 5. We dont use a line but are laid back so you can enjoy life
Alliance: Baldwin Crew Its open just join!
You can join us. No line required. We run map 4 right now but understand people having lives as long as you're semi active we will be happy. Alliance: Baldwin crew