Hey take a look at D A U we run map5 3 bgs all 5 days clear no issues. We do 2 bgs war so when you ready we can work you in rotation if you want. We get gold 1 borderline plat 3
Take a look at D A U we are gold 1. AQ we run map5 3 bgs 5 days.
Take a look at D A U. If your interested message me mangas50 on line
2 players preferably guys interested in map5 3bgs with the occasional map6. Message me on line Mangas50
Hey we run 3 bgs AQ but 2 bgs war. Tier 3 war currently 339 gold 1. D A U is the alliance if you are interested hit me on line. Mangas50
One member who wants AQ only would be great. We do 2 bgs war so if you don’t like war we are a good fit. Map5 during war season. Map6 during off season
I think I’m going to miss my daily rewards didn’t have a chance to log in...
For over 2 hrs meanwhile my internet is working fine.
I’m having the same problem. Can’t log in on my iPhone X, iPhone 6 or my iPad. Over 2 hrs now
Still looking. Top 1000 alliance
Looking for the following: At least uncollected status Prestige over 5k Can hold their own line in map5 and map6 Message me on line Mangas50 = line ID
Spot is open again. Our last AQ rank was 1050 in top tier. Help us help you grow!
Sill got one spot left. We are a 9m alliance we run 55555 3 bgs
Messaged you on line
We ain’t top 300 but we top 1000 HesIn Each week we rank higher and higher.
One spot open. Please message an officer. Must be able to complete their own line on map6
IGN: Mangas50 Aly: HesIn
Still looking for 1-2 guys who can handle their own line in map6. Although we run map5 it’s important you can handle a line in map6 as our prestige gets very high. Please hit me on line Mangas50
Request sent. Hesin is the alliance tag
Hit me on line
Bump 1-2 guys
Bump. Tier 2 war rating. Expert tier in AQ. Need to have maxed 4* and 5* rank 3.
Bump need 2. Map5 exp and prestige over 4400
Looking to replace 2 accounts. Bump. Hit me on line or message an officer in the game. Thx
Will need 1 guy after this AQ. Need map5 experience. Plus need to have atleast 4 4* rank 5 or 5* rank 3 or higher. We rank very high in AQ so we can't afford low prestige. For further details about the alliance scroll to the top of the post. Thank you!
Need 1player. We currently run 3 BGs in war now. Please apply or message any officer.