Matt1985 ★
Ign +matt+ Andriod galaxys6active Newest version of the game. Phones been pretty good lately just some lag, then i join aw today and 3 fights in a row crash crash crash!!! Then i think maybe it will work in aq.... nope crashed there too. PLEASE FIX THESE PROBLEMS OR TELL US SOMETHING PLEASE!!!!!dans [Android] 21.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation Commentaire de Matt1985 décembre 2018
Just save your specials , and when u build up to l3 hit him with that.
K thanks for the feed back.
Maybe thats what it is.
First time i opened the new quest , 2 chapter already 100%
Go with the 6*... you've got the stuff and cap is a gid tier champ
Yes yes yes
Yea on mine they were all ? Instead of picsdans Profile selector is bugged [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation] Commentaire de Matt1985 novembre 2018
Thanks kabam very nice.....
It just started back so yall had to change something. Its been running great, now freezing and unresponsive.
I dont think u should be able to buy champs out right. And if u do then u should be able to buy any champ u want.
Act 4 is not that hard. Its just sooooo stinking long.
Sooo glad vennom will be better, got him as 5* and never use him. :smile:
Thats the basic t3 quest that give u a full cat.
Ns about the sighn in. But your champs will be locked in just like u are still in ali. Its not a bug. After the aq or aw ends they will be released.dans Kicked out of the alliance, but heroes still in the quest Commentaire de Matt1985 septembre 2018
He may be telling the truth
I got mine been playing since the start
@"Kabam Sophia" @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Lyra" Any new info on this???dans Glory store problems [Merged Threads] [Under Investigation] Commentaire de Matt1985 septembre 2018
@"Kabam Lyra"
Yea u can do it.... you've got some great champs there
They check it by i.p. address
My phone is freezing in fights again!!! Its doing the exact same thing it was on 19.1!!! @"Kabam Sophia" Android Galaxy s6 active
@"Kabam Sophia"
PLEASE test these changes out before launch!!!dans Alliance Quest Season 5 - Kingpin's Conclave: Discussion Thread Commentaire de Matt1985 août 2018
Never :D
Not sure about aa, but crossbones or black widow will work great
@"Kabam Vydious" are we getting another summoner appreciation for this one???