I made a joke of LOL using mine and he was rank 4, now he's rank 5 and I took down Rhulk without paying attention---
GR is literally a flaming BBQ
U need like 120 levels on void for his ability to be effective, not saying he’s bad just needs a lot of resources..
First and foremost, outside of void tell me which science champion benefits from be awakened cuz, Rhulk, Ghulk, don’t need to be awakened, and god forbid I’ll use the awakening gem on sentry that pile of trash...
Not like Voodoo does the same or GR or magikdans Kamala Khan new confirmed god tier cosmic (Red Skull Killer) Commentaire de NotMannysmoker août 2018
I mean I like my BBQ head as a profile, they need to change some champions’s portrait like hood (back to how it was) and some females like Psylocke who looks odd to stare...
You degenerate 50% of your current health not total health if u refer to the aspect of nightmare node..
I had to waste 6 champions last night due ppl dying at room 3, I’m like OK, good thing 4* have a 24 hour cooldown..
The only saving grace that guy has is prestige..dans Am I the only one who finds Thor Rag so massively underpowered ? Commentaire de NotMannysmoker août 2018
Maybe get 3000 moredans 2,001 2 star basic cinematic crystals... is it enough!? Lol Commentaire de NotMannysmoker août 2018
I had the same issue but I was missing 25 6* shards, I had to sit and do a pointless grind of 8M points just cuz they didn’t want to give me those scraps I was missing...
Or Drax not having top or even Groot being naked at all, I call it biased.
I can’t take this thread serious at all..
Out of those u mentioned only hood shoots in his first medium hit...
Take VP out your filthy mouth, that guy saved me tons of items in RTTL...
Explain me **** like colossus, Groot, etc in the 5* crystal then..
I’m not oblivious to the fact that is an exploit but still doesn’t change the fact that I’m supposed to not use it to my advantage..dans HELA CAN'T DIE! Finally something to counter the hydra adaptoid? Commentaire de NotMannysmoker août 2018
So why should I get banned when the mistake came in their end not mine, I remember back in the day when Texas hitman got his legend badge in the quake event while there was a bug that gave players an unnoticed boost in health and attack, they acknowledged that the mistake was theirs and he got his legend badge nway..dans HELA CAN'T DIE! Finally something to counter the hydra adaptoid? Commentaire de NotMannysmoker août 2018
Well you sell all your 4* and BOOM u got yourself a 5* champ
Idk maybe cuz fish and stuff
Oh you mean Gwenpool, she just doesn’t die with special attacks unless they apply a DoT effect and reduces Defensive ability accuracy every hit..
Idk who Gvenpool is tbh
Be happy that this guy got butchered couple years ago or you woulda been another player stuck there..
I wonder when this ppl will release something that isn’t broken..