Pit_0f_Misery ★
Yes. We keep count on wars so we know how many wars we need to win..or lose to either drop or move up to the next multiplier. Perhaps our guy was off with his count, which is unusual. Just wondered if it happened to anyone else's ally. If not, it must be our guy.
Thus has been going on for over a month now. STILL no fix even though they are supposed to be working on it. You would think they'd at least replace those champs affected in content we do everyday like AQ. Really need compensation imo, especially aq and war potions/revives.
Still waiting on a fix for this. I'm getting tired of having to use revives in aq to get through a blind fight. Any word on a fix, hopefully, tomorrow? (Someone tag a moderator or someone with an answer please) Thanks
Also, prefer 23k+ prestige. The stronger...the better.
Yeah..I didnt post it twice.
Hmu on line app. Pit of Misery is line id. Or look my ally up in game, Pit of Misery2. Gotta chat to see if you'd be a good fit. We do war p3-4, raids, bgs usually max milestones, and aq.
What rotation are yall using for ironman? I'm using sp2 then sp1s..but only getting the shield down once and not doing much damage. Even at 12 charges. Thanks
Smh. Have we had 1 raid week without issues? Cmon fellas...
And how will it affect our multiplier?
I went to reenlist on Wed last week and it didn't show the option to select raids. Any way they can allow everyone to join raids on day 2 as well?
I'm assuming we had to reenlist? If so..that sucks. Can we enlist starting on day 2?
Yeah, missing 180 on both my accts. Hopefully we get them before raids starts.
Same issue
K..well perhaps I'm just not aware that Void and Attuma are that good there. Guess I'll try them on defense there and see. Thanks for input. Perhaps nothing is wrong and I'm just not as savvy as I thought.
Well..I know how to fight Void. I've taken him on that node PLENTY of times with Silk with decay tactic. I know decay doesn't stop passive debuffs..but his damage doesn't kill you in 30 seconds. I know to do 9 hits and wait his timer then hit him to get rid of thw debuff. This is not an incompetence or inability to read…
Need path 9 ideas. Not many options imo. Any help would be appreciated.
Well if anyone else knows who to tag..have at it.
Well that won't help then..lol. @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Lyra"
@"Kabam Miike"
Yeah..that would help I guess. Guess I've never let him get to the falter timer so never paid much attention. Lol. Thanks. Now I wanna check on Unstoppable Colossus node.
Did they give elder marks?dans Season 19 BG Starting Point Incorrect [resolved, additional comms] Commentaire de Pit_0f_Misery juin 2024
Yeah..same issues. I started bgs in p2..played one match...lost..then won the next one and it's changed me to silver 1.dans Season 19 BG Starting Point Incorrect [resolved, additional comms] Commentaire de Pit_0f_Misery juin 2024
That fight is a joke. Plain and simple. For the ones that beat him, please inform us "mediocre" players on who you used. It would be much appreciated for next time, IF we decide to continue with raids. Thanks
My ally has nothing. We've only gotten him down to 89%. It sorta makes raids unplayable...and def not as enjoyable as the previous raids. Tbh..not sure if my ally should even waste it's time, glory, loyalty, artifacts, or money on this game mode until Kabam does something to make it a somewhat achievable fight. As said…
I woulda also thought that perhaps I messed up cause I had them on my other acct but not my main (even though I usually do the same thing for both accts). Seeing that others are having similar issues..id say bug ...hopefully.
Are we supposed to be able to set a certain mastery for our war defense and then select a different loadout for attack? Just trying to understand this system cause I've been getting slaughtered as of late.
Sorry @The_losttier . Didn't mean to hijack your post. The chest is def a major issue.
Is this the possible reason I can't build enough fervor? Cause I don't have any charges?