R4GE ★★★★
That makes a bit more sense to me. But at the same time I do feel like Kabam puts us in these awkward positions to hoard a lot of what we get. Maybe not so much with the crystals listed, but with many of them (like PHC)
Well, disappointment is bad for my personal health. Opening crystals tends to be highly disappointing. So hoarding seems good for my health LOL
But your complaining that Kabam introduced something you cant afford. Something silly, imo This is normal with so many offers popping up often and many players not being able to afford them. At least when those people get upset that have more logical reason to be.... "spenders are getting an extra edge." This profile pic…
I have well over 6K crystals, nothing compared to many. But don't think any of my crystals are on the list But if crystal hoarding is a major cause to server performance than maybe Kabam should remove expiration on many items, doesn't make a great deal of sense anyways. I for one only hoard to prevent things from going…
LOL! Who cares about a profile pic, it does absolutely nothing for ya. Go find a Barbie game if you wanna play dress up. And for those all salty is wasn't advertised so you could save 3k units......I think you have bigger issues if you're willing to spend that much on a profile pic.
Could use a couple more still. Add me on Line
@"Kabam Miike" I like these new solo events, but every time you finish a round in the areana you get a ton of pop ups in the middle of the screen preventing you from selecting your next team. This is not just annoying but slows down the entire arena run. Dont think anyone wants arena runs taking longer than they already do…
5'3, and the only sense I made out of that one was because of his weight with adamantium putting him at 300lbs.
Still in need of players :(
I think GW is correct and you're just being foolish.
Where should they put the annoying threads with misleading titles?
Logically? Think maybe "in theory" makes more sense. He's chilling in a tank suit like HB. I don't believe a symbiote suit changes the size of a machine. So I don't understand the "logic." I'm not saying I am right, just that it doesn't make sense.
Venom the Duck- XL Howard the Duck- L Ok, makes sense lol
Still looking to add a few. Its a laid back environment but we still prefer experienced players for gold1 goals
LMAO! How is a bunch of girls/women wanting to play a game together sexism? You the kind of guy who gets offended about "girls night out" as well? "Why wasn't I invited to the slumber party?" LOL....it's kind of silly. Both genders occasionally like to do plenty without the other.
We are currently running map2 with the possibility of map3. We do put focus into gold1 AW, but very laid back and chill. IGN is R4GE Hit me up on Line if interested, Line ID is irush_gt
Still looking, but could use more than 2 now.
Hey folks, I accidentally bumped this thread (meant to comment on a current one.) I am not looking for an alliance
Sorry, wrong post
@Mr_Wiff Share it on reddit
Experienced this as well during war :neutral:
I have had champs hit me as I am punching into their block, hit me during my combo, and even dex out of a combo.
4 hours behind on the arena now and missing out on AQ/AW @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious"
Exact same issue for me as well. I attempted to log into the beta earlier and got the Network Error message. Since than I haven't been able to get passed the loading screen, continuing to get "Network Error."
Looks like I was wrong, games back up and I got my crystal back. I had network errors when I placed it on the spinner, so looks like it never took :)
Games back up ;)
You quit playing in September but still hang out on the forums? 0.0
3540 hours....servers were never really up, it was an illusion
Same for me. He will likely have to check the alliance feed when the game is back up to see who he got