Revan0607 ★
Buff daredevil HK plz
If you’re gonna get this triggered over a thread why comment and help me keep it on 1st page
The 70% who voted in favor would say otherwise :)
The handful of champions who got multiple buffs were basically fixed. Except Gamora who needed 3. But Deadpool for example is now a top 5 mutant after a second buff
Buff Daredevil HK
Buff Daredevil HK plz
Go ahead, feed me comments. Keeps my post on front page :)
Buff Daredevil HK plz
Commenting to put my post back on first page? Duh
Do Titania path then apoc path
Idk how people think he’s fine
Source trust me bro
Went through all that trouble to make a meme lol
Kabam doesn’t test anything. Otherwise there wouldn’t be the rebalancing program for newer champions. Releasing someone just to buff them in 6 months
Thank you. These people don’t get how they can take 5 minutes to make a couple changes as a hotfix
He literally needs like 3 changes and he’ll be fine
Sentinel would’ve been better if he countered domino. And I don’t see anyone using superior iron man
Any buff we get should at least be worth justifying putting in the game. The amount of champions who got a buff have been wasted since they were terrible/ not worth using: DDHK, civil warrior, mighty Thor, superior iron man. Even recently, sentinel got a pretty mid buff, sentry was extremely divisive and could be fixed…
Can throw the argument of characters who never been buffed out the window. Kabam doesn’t care about that. Have them reverse their second/ third buffs to Deadpool and gamora and I’ll take this all back
Thank you. Exactly, no one liked the buff. People called him AT BEST, Mid
No one. Cause his buff was terrible. Just look up every YouTuber who covered it. Everyone was disappointed. Same with Deadpool’s first buff, but he got a second buff and is amazing now
Everyone went running to rank Deadpool last month, or bought the 7*. He’s now a top 5-10 mutant in the game. If kabam never buffed anyone more than once again, I would not be saying anything. But they did so they have no excuse not to anymore
So what kabam shouldn’t have buffed Deadpool? Or gamora? Or Luke cage after they got their first buff?
That’s up to kabam. If they bothered to look at the post and see the majority of players want the buff, if they wasted less time with the rebalancing program on new champions and focused more on buffing old champions. Can’t stop me from asking
Well been politely asking for 4 years and I’m calling out that he’s overdue for another tune up.
@“kabam” I’m calling you out
And it does nothing. Short, precision that doesn’t help at all. Needs different ability
It’s not hurting anything by asking numerous times. So no, I’ll ask as many times as I have to :)