Rupp20304 ★
No disrespect to Kabaam, as I believe they’ve tried to think this out, and no matter what they do people are gonna hate. But I think a lot of the people who have the sigil, including myself don’t have it for the extra rewards, we have it for arena express. I appreciate that there is going to be some type of compensation,…
Add me on line: Rupp20
The new lvl cap is supposed to be a push for end game players, and tbh if you’ve been playing for a long time and aren’t valiant at this point than you’re not in the target group for the lvl cap content
Was waiting for AOA. I’m finishing up the ccp challenges and could really use the ascension dust from the milestones
Still LF1 Plat 6 300k bgs AQ map 6 and 3 bgs for raids Add either of us on line Whatscrackin904 Rupp20
I help run a plat 6 ally currently pushing plat 5 BGs 300k min AQ maps 666 We have a really good group of players and officers that would definitely be understanding and get that real life takes precedence. If you’re open to chatting more add me on line: Rupp20
Not even close. Scorpion can take 99% of fights in the game and do well
Line ID should be working now, never received a message from you in game. What is your line? I can message you
If my Line id isn’t popping up message me yours in game and I’ll find you in line
Looking for a pretty active alliance running at least map 5 AQ. Aw is something I’d like but not necessary. Definitely want an ally with an active chat
Rupp20304 in game Cavalier 10k prestige Very interested
Send me an invite, Rupp20304dans AW - Silver 3 | AQ - Map 4 alliance is looking for New members Commentaire de Rupp20304 décembre 2021
I have line but only 6700 prestige. Got a spot for me?
Both are fantastic but a high sig gaurdian is a rank with his block proficiency and helps keep the rest of your team alive with his synergy
Also discord is rupp20
I have decided to stop spending I’m a below average spender at around $50 a month. I’m single with lots of disposable income so I can easily afford to spend more but not until I see changes. I know Kabam Mike says there are things in the works, and I know new content and changes take a long time to put into effect, but…
Kabam Please stop making nodes only 3 champs can effectively counter. Stop making us choose between saving resources or making us spend resources and money to play our favorite champs. Not all champs need a rework, it’s the nodes that could be made different. Make map 7 more fun and versatile by making a plethora of champs…
Line ID is rupp20304
Add rupp20304 on mcoc