
  • Guys just use an up scrambled on your home network. Recruit people who know something about ip addresses
  • Come on Mike you know all the top alliances account share don't be nieve. We use them on map six day and i know some alliances require a back up to.have your account so you can finish the map. Don't come in here screaming ohh hollier than thou about account sharing. The real problem.is MODS in the game. If you really…
  • Come on Mike you know all the top alliances account share don't be nieve. We use them on map six day and i know some alliances require a back up to.have your account so you can finish the map. Don't come in here screaming ohh hollier than thou about account sharing. The real problem.is MODS in the game. If you really…
  • Come on Mike you know all the top alliances account share don't be nieve. We use them on map six day and i know some alliances require a back up to.have your account so you can finish the map. Don't come in here screaming ohh hollier than thou about account sharing. The real problem.is MODS in the game. If you really…