Spiked_Seltzer1 ★
Same - created a ticket
Oh well. I saved some $$$ today.
Same error regardless of offers trying to purchase. Just updated game too. Stupid patch... :(
Same - Error connecting with server
AQ kicking out of match... half health gone.
Same thing happened to me. Side events still screwed up too.
Still no Cavalier offer showing.
Samsung Note 8 / Android ... no Cavalier offer here.
Dirty Kabam
And then 5* awakening gem for the Gombenzashun. Thank you.
It's been almost 2 and a half hours.
Gamora or Miles would be my choices... with DW, Gamora would be nice. Use S2!
Couldn't agree more- it's called unintended consequences. You change the game to make more money and you end up losing money due to incompetence. I've HEAVILY thought about just how much time and money will go into this game going forward. Cheers.
:|dans Can't log in - reminding me how much of a gamble this is. Commentaire de Spiked_Seltzer1 juin 2017