SuperAlex102 ★
@KabamDORK don’t worry about this, the team has bigger issues to fix. Let us have this little thing.
iPad 6th gen iOS 17.4.1 Crashes after any fight in any game mode
This has been reported 2 or 3 times already. The problem will go away in 7 days.
Joe Fixit causes game to freeze in loading screen in side quest Sinister Vaults. Restart and re-entry screen comes up properly but game will still freeze. Restart and Joe has lost half health and game will still freeze on loading screen. Game version 1273569. iOS v. iPadiOs 16,2
If you face me in an arena, I promise I’ll fight fairly and not try extra hard for the third fight. I’ll even let you win sometimes.
I can avoid interacting with my family simply by pretending to defeat villains and hero’s in a fantasy universe. Plus I get to virtually hang out with Shinobi :)