Super_Omar_8888 ★
"When Realm of Legends was introduced, it was several months before all of the secrets and tools were uncovered to beat it. This is our goal for The Abyss." Please keep this sentence in mind y'all, the things we need to be able to do this(whatever they are) will be introduced to the game later on. That's why they don't…
Yeah it feels like the taps you do while it's frozen are read by the game as millisecond taps which then are interpreted as an action of holding down on the screen, consequently throwing a heavy. At least that's what I think.
I think you can see the difference in attack made by the synergy in the champ selection screen in any fight in AW. Try checking again by doing that.
This also happened to me when I was playing Iceman on the Buffet node, and every time the Ice Armour gets consumed by the Buffet node or by receiving damage that would deal more than 5% health the Ice Armour would reform immediately.
It's a change in the angle of viewer perspective. In addition to the weird looking Sp3, the camera also points more to the left side in the victory pose.
I've experienced this bug using Iceman on the buffet node when playing Act 5. The buffet would consume his Ice Armour then he instantly regains it, and you can still see the Ice Armour refresh timer.
Maybe there was a ban wave against many alliances...can't say I'm sure tho.
In-Game Name: Super Omar 8888 Device and Model: Galaxy J5 Prime Device Operating System: Android 8.0 Cellular or WiFi: WiFi Game Version Installed: 24.1 Game Mode: Alliance Quest Description of the Issue: I was playing Captain Marvel (Movie) in alliance quest against a Cosmic Symbioid. I was doing a normal 5-hit combo and…dans [Android] 24.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation Commentaire de Super_Omar_8888 août 2019
"Just get rid of dexterity and Perry especially in the alliance wars." You said it yourself: Alliance Wars. Parry and Dexterity are responsible for 70% of the work done to win a fight. They are very important to tackle almost everything in the game, so we can't just lose them. Maybe the better poll to post was: [Remove the…