
  • Hi John! I'm curious if you could share a bit of use data from Guilly, not exact numbers if you can't but I'm curious to know how many people were using her before her buff, and now after. Did it not change at all, go up/down by alot? How does this compare to other overhaul / moderate buffs such as Diablo, Angela, or…
  • Comparatively Warlock is a very weak power control champion imo, I don't think Magik, Psylocke, and him are comparable. He requires his infections plus his sp1 (or his sp3) to be able to drain the opponent, too many buffs or poor management of infections can lead to being unable to control the opponent's power. I have a r5…
  • So it is a flat 5%, but each 5% becomes, "worth less" I guess is the best way to describe it. Say the first one is 5%, next is 4.95, next 4.9, etc. That is my basic understanding of Diminishing Returns, that's not the real math of it idk what it is. So you will reach a very high crit rate eventually (Psylocke was probably…
  • @StevieManWonder To speak directly to this point the crit rating is heavily affected by diminishing returns. Although you'll never reach a 100% crit rate I found my 6* in testing to reach a very good amount of crit rate. The text also wasn't updated to start but it has been updated and reads correctly now. I tested her as…
  • I so rarely comment of the forums but something this important and such a great fight calls for it! 1.) What aspect of the fight did you most enjoy? Highly skill based; can be done with any champion 2.) What aspect of the fight was most frustrating? In general it was alot of fun, but missing a prompt call was frustrating…