TheBigScheme ★
Getting kicked out of game after a match is found plus if I want to see who sent me a dungeon invite my game freezes
Am on samsung S10+ and as a regular ghost user im really upset how you ignore the lag on Android phones.... alot of times swipe back into phasing isnt registered on time may it be to launch a special where one phases and gets unblockable with the wasp synergy or after the special to get indestructible and negate suicides…dans [Android] 24.0 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation Commentaire de TheBigScheme juillet 2019
So do those def tactics nullify attacker abilites? I was using CG with all 4 missions done and true strike on that one gets from synergy with PM and S champs were still evading me
I pulled gwenpool and kingpin that i remember, pulled few other from spiderverse crystal that i thought belonged but i guess they dont.
But still i managed to pull miles morales as 6* today and got jack for it which should as the low chance of it give me more reward but as said got 0
So in this months special summoner journey one can get points for opening a 3* , 4* , 5* spiderverse champ but not if one gets a 6* one? Couldn't you just put that along with the 5* one?
Sorry for hijacking the thread., I have a r4 duped vtd and just finished exploring v2. Got r5 cosmic gem and a cosmic ag. I have hype and medusa unawakened at lower levels. I have CG at r5 So is vtd worth r5 or would i be better off ranking up hype ir medusa and awakening them or should i save for someone like bew cap…
Happening to me on s10+ since i got it and after the update the loading times between fights in arena increased, loading of crystals and pictures takes longer and on a brand new phone.
Those 3 together should be over 2 mil pts.... not to mention first one doesnt have the win bonus aswell..... the points we have are the exact count of war 2 and 3
Like many others here said..... points are not there maybe tell your guys to check if everyone got them and not always try to push stuff on us to check and remind you all the time.
Still nothing? What monday exactly did u guys plan to fix this? First one in season 10? Or not even then
Yes i got alll the champs needed for all synergies for ghost and for blade... and got all masteries unlocked only thing i dont have is max assasin only at r1 there
I have checked her abilities in my 4* one but im still confused about: 1.Ema has 100 % chance to place something on opponent with her sp1 or sp2 or 3 2. Ghost phazing has a 100% chance for opponents attack to miss ( doesn't matter if basic M, L, heavy or special) And with hood 100% to take no damage while phazing. So one…
I have a 5* r5 ghost and 6* cg and untill u learn how to fight with ghost stick to cg.... took me alot of practice and was doubting my decision alot of times but let me tell u once u got the flow for her she is amazing.... i explored variant and ch2 cost me 1k ish units to explore thanks to her.... cg was my go to for ch3…
But theres only room for 30
Yes its crazy, yes its working as intended and yes i kiled him with 4* symbiote supreme. Need a stagger of sort like hood symba etc
Has anyone else had problem with thanos on the right side? I do a path -> heimdal-> mephisto-> aegon->void-> to right side thanos-> to champ boss..... solo every fight use zero pots zero revives even one shot champion with a 4* symba supreme..... but that thanos sp2 is some bs .... i didnt see a difference between fake and…
Og Hulk.... was my first duped r4 5* used to do 5.2 to get uncollected with low health and suicides.... waiting on rank down tickets... would also say r4 ultron but alteast he is used in awd for diversity since i cant remeber the last time he got any kills
Lmfao at customer care.... i bet prior to this they never worked anywhere not to mention having experience in customer orientation or basic buisness conduct
Do you happent to know when that comes?
Well dw does at r5 1 pct direct damage to tje opponent if he has less health as the one applying the bleed it doesnt do it just at start of fight it doest it every time bleed is applied if the said has less health and it only does as i mentioned once an applied bleed , it doesnt tick down with same bleed asin lets say ms…
Yes only if morningstarhas more health ... but if ahe hasnt she doesnt take 1pct of your health... i got dw on 5 and know how it works... this is different because while i habe charges bleed tucks down normally from ms
Doesnt matter which one its is as long as he has charges
He is broken coldsnap does damage even if you duel an iceman
Talking coldsnap damage aswell
Corvus glaive gets damaged from coldsnap while he has his charges are active... dont know how to tag admins here.... started after new update
I got her aswell and r5/65 her a week ago... she is very hard to use and im still getting the hang of her. My problem with her is that im left handed and i tried to copy gameplay from youtubers that use her but somehow didnt work quite well so i adapted my gameplay to my own style and its getting better. Reason i r5 her…
I got her as my 3rd 6* ..... didnt really care but it turns out she is good vs the champ... her heavy staggers and nullifies
So i was wondering about your increased "effort" for punishing cheating/ piloting/ account sharing alliances. If you would be really serious about it you would commit to it in 200 percent. Which means that if we look at the example from previous war season you started with punishments mid season after 5 or 6 wars if I'm…dans Developers Thoughts: Improving Alliance Wars Discussion Thread Commentaire de TheBigScheme octobre 2018