The_Avenger ★
My IGN is Zorgo Leon look at my champs and then decide if you want to work with me
Interested but is Line required?
Message me on discord Thunderbolt Dragons#9392 or Zorgo Leon in-game.
Is Line mandatory? If not you can contact Zorgo Leon in-game. I am interested
I’m interested but I don’t have Line. Add Zorgo Leon in the game
I have an interest in joining but I don’t have Line. If you want to add me in game search Zorgo Leon.
I’d like to join you alliance but I don’t have Line 😢
You should easily progress through 5.3 and 5.4. You have 3 5* rank 4’s. I easily progressed 5.3 with this lineup.
I could imagine if Option 1 was Morningstar. You would be so happy but sadly I do not have one at any level but 2*
Anyways if I do get the 5* generic gem I will most certainly awaken Omega then put about 70 sigs into him
Wow your way ahead. I am just a progressing player. I am currently uncollected but I have 8 t2a with 1 expiring today so I decided to do this
Option 1: Darkhawk (awakened) Option 2: Venom the Duck Option 3: Omega Red Option 4: Karnak Option 5: Magneto
7:00 tommorow eastern time
I meant my first not finest. Auto-correct these days
I could join I do not have line though
Sounds like an alliance I would like to join
I would like to join if you can give me more info
Is it okay if I do not have line?
I do not have discord either
I do not have line
Also here is my next 6* I am on my way to completing the inhuman trio
Also if you are wondering about my 6* roster don’t even think about it
What a big RIP
I got the Cyclops from the featured from the Mutant Treasure Island too