Thunder1 ★
T.Thunder1 is my line tag. Fun core group been together for years. Great chat for best tips and techniques. AQ is 5x5. Was is almost gold 1 without much extra effort. Hit me up
Got one 5x5. Gold 3 almost gold 2 Strong core that has been playing together for years.. Have fun Line ID. T.thunder1
Lunar Let’s talk
I got one for ya Hovering around gold 1 Typically run Need 1 for 30 Fun - friendly first. Very active on line with strategies, tips and game discoveries. Great people - core been together for over a year
Need one to make 30 Fun friendly/. Great conversations about strategy, game tips and discoveries. Gold 1/2. Aq Skilled players who are very knowledgeable- fun fiest but competitive enough for war wins and good rewards...