TrashPanda12 ★★★
How do I get sig stones quickly to r4 my aegon?
I want nothing more in this game than a little tune up for surfer. Favorite champ and will probably be my first r2 7* (not even for prestige reasons, I just love him). Blue marvel would be pretty sweet
As much as I love kitty and would prefer to use her over herc any day, herc's ability is simply game changing to a whole other level.
got my third mystic gem with no one to use it on. Wanted any other class besides skill or mystic
Scorpion and any good mystic to use one of my three 6* awakening gems on. Missing Tigra, Doom, Diablo, abs man, rintrah, Sassy, juggernaut
4* magik 5* don't remember 6* OG Black panther 7* surfer
Herc is so good that they had to kill revive farming
Had all four objectives, then played one game and claimed getting one victory but two of the objectives are gone. Only one objective left after my first game of the season and only one claimed.
My third r4 to get to paragon was Longshot, super fun rank up. Doesn't need the extra damage but I love playing him
Don't have much experience with QS, but I do have a rank 4 hood and I must say, people still don't appreciate him enough. He is very good and a safe option with the invisibility all of the time. He creates openings with it which is super useful and the damage is great
What's going on with Kamala's shadow? Obviously meant to look like her logo but it's still silly to me, that's not how light works
Probably taking nebula to r3. she's great in some situations but I hardly use her
Lately its been Longshot
Hero: Silver Surfer Villain: Spot/Mysterio
My light attack inputs don't register sometimes like I'll be tapping and then my champ just stops or there's a delay when I try to charge a heavy.
Still have yet to pull ghost above a 4* so she would be nice, but I'm really lacking in the cosmic class, so my most wanted is Hercules
Only reason I won't r3 or eventually r4 is the regen rate. Completely unusable with suicides which I always have on
Only opened a few, but it was pretty good Spider Gwen dupe Proxima Midnight Black Panther brought to sig 120 Wong Omega Sentinel! she went straight to r3
I have a r3 who I use quite often, I'd say she's definitely still relevant
Just duped her yesterday and took her to r2! Would love to see some gameplay too
Have r4 kitty, working on 8.1 exploration to get my second one, after that I'll need two more catalysts of both t6b and t3a to get my third.dans What is your current Story Progression title (October 2022) Commentaire de TrashPanda12 octobre 2022
Any bullseye fans out here? I would love to see what they did with him. Loved him in the DD and what he's done in the comics
I haven't pulled a 6* from side quest Cavs in 5 months
mr. sinister
I'd go Longshot, I've been chasing him for so long it's crazy, and I feel he wouldn't be incredibly popular of a choice
I used Omega Red (for crossbones), Kitty (for ikaris and dormammu) and Miles (for blade cheese)
Had a 6* unduped Nick Fury so I bought this deal... and used the gem on Kitty Pryde B)dans 6* Generic Awakening Gem for only $15!! Best deal Ever!! Commentaire de TrashPanda12 avril 2022
6* colossus. Took him to r2 at the same time as I took my 5* to r5. Figured he was super good and I would find a use for two but I never use him, only use the 5* now.