Yaddy09 ★
Line ID search doesn’t have wayde0wilson. Add me in game Yaddy09
Looking for one war
Still need two
Looking for three more
Still looking for a few folks for both alliances. Almost full!
hit me up on Line. id yaddy009
Bakejake hit me up we might have the numbers for a merge. Search on Line yaddy009
IGN Yaddy09 iOS iPhone 7 Cellular and WiFi Last game version and operating system Constantly crashing at all portions of the game. Home screen, load screen, mid fight in story, aq and wr - at all points of the game. I do not get stuck loading or searching for signal icons, it just force closes to home screen of iphone.…
add in game. same name
added in game. definitely interested.
what's IG name?dans AW GOLD2 - AQ MAP 4 AND 3 - CHILL AND ADULT 18M ALLY - NO SLACKERS Commentaire de Yaddy09 mars 2019
Added you in game. We have the spotsdans LF 5x5, gold war, event req (no arena) Alliance for 4 people Commentaire de Yaddy09 octobre 2018